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  1. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    If you have that much trust in Pakistani government then why do you claim that lakhvi case was wrongly judged
  2. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Are you sure we are taking about the same topic. Even on Indian media it is said that they took revange for killing BSF in the morning. Means indian side opened the fire
  3. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Remember operation BAT, in which 5 BSF was killed in Indian territory, and Pakistan soldier came unharmed from your territory. Don't celeberate to early my friend.
  4. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    And your country didn't even know who won the nobel prize they went along with Modi to the wrong person and gave him the awards. Don't believe me search it on Times of India
  5. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Just one question my friend, why did ajmal kasab said 'Bhagwan will not forgive me'. Search it on internet there is a video there. For what purpose that for, Mujhadeen don't say that when they are dying
  6. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Read the what is written on twitter of Swamy on PK movie
  7. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Same ways like you folks claimed that PK movie was made by ISI
  8. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    My sources are from both sides not one side. And Musharaff also claimed that Pakistan not always send terrorist, example Machil fake encounter
  9. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Good luck for that, hope you folks succeed in it. But why was the operation launched late, it has been 4 days since that day. And western or chinese media never did such thing. Show me one solid proof. But still if media will not cover the whole incident than who will
  10. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Before the operation against terrorist were launched civilians were removed from the area. Does IDPs ring any bell Yes musharaff claims. But in this recent event did BSF spokes man said any thing
  11. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    I didn't said it in a way that would offend you. Rather isn't it true that bangldeshi are selling smuglled Indian cows
  12. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Yeah operation clean up. Still waiting for it to take place. Bodo militants were celeberating new year recently. It has been 4 days since the incident. Not only that your media hasn't covered it like it should. Looks like what north east Indian are not important
  13. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Show me one link that claims that Pakistan wanted to help terrorist. Your BSF spoke person hasn't claimed any thing or reported that Pakistan support terrorist. Or some how you are the new spoke person of BSF
  14. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Killed terrorist, yeah just like in Machil fake encounter
  15. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Yeah same goes for you, don't you want north east state of India. Bodo militants and naxals came and attack Indian, but since then no action was taken. Even the operation clean up is taking more time than expected
  16. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    So according to you Pakistan soldiers came near the international boundary and allowed Indian to kill them.
  17. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    If you don't Why flag was raised. You posted the link and kindly read it also. The bodies were near the international boundary. No sane person during cease fire violation go near the border
  18. zeref

    Indian Army shot Pakistani officers, after calling flag meeting

    Try writing 2001 indo bangla war on google as i can't post link for now. There are many links there such as from CNN, wikipedia etc
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