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  1. S

    India has more money in Swiss banks than all other countries combined

    That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Banks don’t store money they relend it. Unless it’s in a locker they relend it to other banks around the world. It is believed that the biggest gainer of the Nazi slaughter of Jews was Swiss bank. This is because Jews had the most money in...
  2. S

    Indian Navy delays sailing into new era of ‘invisible’ warships

    Wow, I don’t mean to be snobbish but I don’t have a slight idea about what you meant by the sentence above. Is it possible for you to rephrase it please?
  3. S

    India warned about Israeli False-Flag operation

    So are you justifying Barbari masjid incident:no:. Well such acts should not happen. A holy site is a holy site people should not fight over them. I would suggest building something like lotus temple where everyone can pray whatever faith they want to pray too.:cheers:
  4. S

    Nixon's dislike of 'witch' Indira

    So china single handily avoided the world war 3. Nice.
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    The Future of the Russian Air Force: 10 Years On

    + they have china to the south.
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    The Future of the Russian Air Force: 10 Years On

    They believe in quantity. Besides they have already paid for them and their usage life is not over yet.
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    Should India Donate its Fighters ?

    Yeah true it’s too much effort. How about giving some indigenous trainers or providing free training.
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    Should India Donate its Fighters ?

    Not sure about that we already are a target of Taleban. I do agree civilian aid is much better but we need to sow the seed of future Military Corporation.
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    Should India Donate its Fighters ?

    Maybe a few Tejas wont do us any harm in the later stages but not Mig 21's.
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    Should India Donate its Fighters ?

    Sounds like a good idea at first but offloading planes that cost the lives of our personals to Afghanistan will kill the PR that we have developed with them. It’s not like we have fighter jets lying around that we can start donating. The MIG 21’s are in service because we have a...
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    Russia against developing military ties with Pakistan

    What about maintenance parts and spares for the engines. Shouldn’t this be a concern for Pakistan as we ourselves have trouble getting parts from Russia or will China supply Pakistan with spares for the engines?
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    Australias secret war on Iran

    What was that for? I lived in iran for more than half my life and always felt that iranians had nothing against the indians. Well the Civilised Iranians of Tehran sure didnt. In my time there i met many Iranians who often traveled to India for education or Medical needs. Hell i went to India...
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    PAK-FA takes to the sky!

    i would thank you if i knew how too
  14. S

    PAK-FA takes to the sky!

    Doesnt look like it. we have only shown interest in the 2 seater version. For the one seater needs it looks like MCA is the one we are counting on. For the time being india has no imidiate plans to get a 5th gen plane in our hands. Its more like FGFA would take the mantle of our air superiority...
  15. S

    Why India wants to Destabalize Pakistan?

    okay... how many indians here want pakistan to merge with india??? my grandparents were born and bred in pindi or rawalpindi in pakistan... we had a lot of property there and too an extent my grand-dad used to root for pakistan when india pakistan played cricket... my dad went back there after i...
  16. S

    Indian students in Australia suffer from Racism

    police doesnt do much... i know delhi police gets crap but here they dont really do anything... dont have any rights... not only that there are alot of women in the force... i am all for equal rights but i dont think its their kind of thing...
  17. S

    Indian students in Australia suffer from Racism

    hmm... there are classes here and some of the areas like Glen Waverley in Melbourne have a fair amount of Indians/ rich Chinese and this area is kinda expensive whereas there is another place called dandenong where majority of Indians/ sri lankans /Sudanese live and that’s really cheap...
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