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  1. l'ingénieur

    If India does a Surgical strike in Pakistan, how would/should Pakistan respond??

    We won't have to do anything. Our pathans and baloch wil terrify their troops right back to where they came from.
  2. l'ingénieur

    Why Obama Won’t Visit Pakistan

    we donn't give 2 shits
  3. l'ingénieur

    UAE's threats to Pakistan : The sweet sound of a glorious oil-drenched slap

    Allying with turkey and iran is much more beneficial than allying with all arab countries combined iran and turkey aren't dumb savages
  4. l'ingénieur

    After Iran, Pakistan?

    u must be stupid if u think we will give up nuclear strenght
  5. l'ingénieur

    Would you support Musharraf if he comes back to active politics?

    We need someone with extensive knowlegde in macroecnomics and someone who will fix the tax system
  6. l'ingénieur

    India: Land of Hypocrisy, Deceit, Poison, Disease & Death! - Ashok T. Jaisinghani

    Congratulations I am ashamed you are using pakistan's flag.
  7. l'ingénieur

    India: Land of Hypocrisy, Deceit, Poison, Disease & Death! - Ashok T. Jaisinghani

    feel free to recheck, and maybe this time try to use all of your brain power rather then 1% of it
  8. l'ingénieur

    India: Land of Hypocrisy, Deceit, Poison, Disease & Death! - Ashok T. Jaisinghani

    so if someone else is being a retard, we should be a retard as well? sound logic. pretty sure most of those mods know im pakistani
  9. l'ingénieur

    All Erdogan’s meals tested for fear of his life, personal doctor says

    Nothing wrong with this I would be paranoid too if I was ruling one of the greatest countries and doing a good job with many enemies (especially religiously)
  10. l'ingénieur

    India: Land of Hypocrisy, Deceit, Poison, Disease & Death! - Ashok T. Jaisinghani

    unnecessary post you bring shame to my people please logout of this forum and kill your self
  11. l'ingénieur

    Infrastructure Development in Pakistan

    whats the point of spending money on poor people money/health care is is treatment or poverty not a cure yes theyl have money for a week or have access to healthcare for a few times but they will be back to being poor again and stay poor save and spend on free education for children and...
  12. l'ingénieur

    Infrastructure Development in Pakistan

    all these development will mostly benefit the rich hardly anything is being done by the government to educate and train the poor for a better standard of living its a shame
  13. l'ingénieur

    How overseas Pakistani are treated - Corruption by Airport Officials

    this is bullshit stop generalizing and get educated
  14. l'ingénieur

    BJP, RSS going ahead with agenda of forming Hindu state: Karat

    we can call your selves what ever the **** we want. we don't kick out people who follow another religion. please use your brain.
  15. l'ingénieur

    BJP, RSS going ahead with agenda of forming Hindu state: Karat

    thats just a name, come on use your brain. how dumb are you exactly? thats a name. we have so many other religions in pakistan. do you see us kicking them out? no
  16. l'ingénieur

    BJP, RSS going ahead with agenda of forming Hindu state: Karat

    religion states are the dumbest shit anyone can think of people who want them live in the past they need to kill themselves immediately
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