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  1. dlclong

    China Fire Service

  2. dlclong

    Yes, China, we can also draw our own map!

  3. dlclong

    President Xi urges support for vocational education

    To support the occupation education is very good, But at present, occupation education spread in our country, a lot of occupation education school funding, equipment is backward, even the basic requirements of education are not up to the national requirements, there is great and the teacher...
  4. dlclong

    North Korea - US Tension: News & Discussions

    :shout:Stupid movie Who plays Kim Jong-un, ugly. Not in order to discredit North Korea, even the basic facts have changed it, Kim Jong-un looks better than that fool.:partay:
  5. dlclong

    What is that weird 'Golum' monster photographed in the Chinese hills?

    :P99.9999% is a fake picture.
  6. dlclong

    China dynasties soldier armor

    戈形钺 One kind of Tomahawk in Warring States Period
  7. dlclong

    China dynasties soldier armor

    East zhou dynasty Spring and Autumn period( BC 770-BC476)Yue sword
  8. dlclong

    China dynasties soldier armor

    金朝 Jin Dynasty (AD 1115 to 1234) 西夏 Western Xia Dynasty (AD 1032 to 1227) 元朝 Yuan Dynasty (AD 1279 to 1368) 明朝 Ming Dynasty (1368 BC to 1644 AD) 清朝 Qing Dynasty (AD 1644 to 1911 A.D.)
  9. dlclong

    China dynasties soldier armor

    魏晋时期(Wei and Jin dynasty)AD220 to 420 南北朝时期(northern and Southern Dynasties )420 BC to 589 BC 隋朝 Sui Dynasty (AD581 to 618) 唐朝Tang Dynasty (AD618 to 907 ) 五代十国时期Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (AD 907 to 960 ) 宋代 Song Dynasty (AD 960 to 1279) 辽朝 Liao Dynasty (A.D. 907 to 1125)
  10. dlclong

    China dynasties soldier armor

    秦朝 Qin Dynasty, 221 BC - 207 BC General armor 汉朝Han Dynasty 202 BC - AD 220
  11. dlclong

    China dynasties soldier armor

    商朝(shang dynasty)17 century BC - 11th century BC 西周(The Western Zhou Dynasty)1046 BC - 771 BC 东周(the Eastern Zhou Dynasty)770 BC - 256 BC 战国时代(Warring States Period)476 BC - 221 BC
  12. dlclong

    Beijing's View of the Crisis in Iraq

  13. dlclong

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    :tup:Police deal with it decisively this time:china:
  14. dlclong

    Tibetan Security Official Gunned Down in Sichuan

    In China, any news about the Tibetans, Uighurs, will allow some foreigners climax, just like above the Turks,haha. Ordinary criminal cases , will make them think all sorts of things. I remember before there is one case, three Tibetans killed a Tibetan living Buddha from the UK, some Indians...
  15. dlclong

    Tallest Mountains in the World

  16. dlclong

    Are Chinese members against or for this "festival"?

    As a Chinese, I for my personal point of view, In fact, in China, on the whole, few people eat dog meat, generally in the northeast Korean community, or in the south of guangxi and guangdong. I calculate the proportion, the Chinese eat dog meat percentage is about 0.03%, and it is only one or...
  17. dlclong

    China may be going down the old Soviet path to disintegration

    :hang2: My children, it seems that you have been brainwashed wash very serious. Do not always imagined. I welcome you to China to see,. by the way ,as long as you do not break the law, you will not be thrown into prison. You can see how Chinese people live "miserable"..
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