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  1. S

    'Too fat to fight': thousands of British soldiers overweight

    A side effect of wealth I suppose.
  2. S

    Russian Stock Exchange and Ruble now back where it was at start of the year

    You mean alot of rich people got richer? :pissed::pissed:
  3. S

    EUROPEAN UNION & Syrian Refugees A snapshot of the crisis – €1.5 billion distributed in humanitarian

    Hardly any really, theres a Syrian guy near me and some of his family came here when the war started.
  4. S

    Germany considers lifting 'Mein Kampf' ban

    It didnt really sell that well, it was often gifted and as such counted as a sale. Read it before during my not so long ago youth when I enjoyed all things national socialist, its a crap read to be honest.
  5. S

    Dodo pizza, the first pizzeria to use drone deliveries in Russia

    Manpad, hate the idea of drones doing deliveries, even the stupid amazon idea.
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    European countries by average wage. Russians earn now 75% what Greeks or Portuguese earn

    Proof? its pretty hard to measure what the GDP was of soviet countries, especially industrial ones.
  7. S

    Polish MPs ridicule Cameron's 'stupid propaganda' aimed at Eurosceptics

    As much as everyone hates Cameron and how big of a cock he is, I would not give the Polish (LOL) a second thought, especially when they are attacking him for not bowing down to whatever bullshit the EU wants, theres also another issue with van rompuy at the moment, he should just ignore them...
  8. S

    Russia wants to replace US computer chips with local processors

    Some of the new Chinese phones coming out are pretty good and are fairly well received with a good few consumers over here in the UK, I did see a story last week about some Chinese phone being pre loaded with spyware and keyloggers I think haha but it was a cheap piece of shit and serves you...
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    Skyline comparison London vs Moscow vs New York vs Shanghai

    Well when your population is the same as all of them countries above its alot easier to have an independent foreign policy isnt it? as you have security in numbers, I would still rather be an Italian living a modest lifestyle than the average Chinese verging on poverty living in pollution and...
  10. S

    The Dragon's Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa

    Anyone going into Africa is going in for some benefit for themselves, simple as that.
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    Grand Mosque opening in Copenhagen

    Generally converts are overweight white women, see a few in my own city, they cant find many men then get lured in by Turkish men etc who are not exactly ardent followers of Islam and they end up marrying them.
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    Britain took more out of India that it put in – could China do the same to Britain?

    Some has trickled back but who do you give it to, the people it belonged to no longer exist and the father wasnt exactly poor to begin with so its not like the fathers wealth came solely from that theft, but then if you use that logic you can look at any part of history and say the same, the...
  13. S

    The myth of the 1400 year old Shia-Sunni conflict

    Some were barbarians some weren't, like know a days its reversed and the barbarians are elsewhere. Its just a cycle, regardless Islam came after Christianity and crusades etc were just taking back what was once Christian, all bullshit anyway as Christian or Muslim, if you kill because of some...
  14. S

    Skyline comparison London vs Moscow vs New York vs Shanghai

    Hideous, green mountains and fields anyday of the week for me! hahahaha, not sure why its backwards leftish thinking but I would hazard a guess and say 99% of the worlds population would rather live in Germany than Russia.
  15. S

    Britain took more out of India that it put in – could China do the same to Britain?

    The past defines your future, Indias future looks bright. no one alive these days existed then so dont hold grudges....your not a muslim!
  16. S

    Saudi student may have been murdered in UK because she was wearing a hijab.

    It was most likely a local nutjob with mental issues as they are linking it to another similar murder recently, in which case it has nothing to do race/religion. Arm all muslims in the west with firearms, sure! sounds like a great idea...........
  17. S

    Russia wants to replace US computer chips with local processors

    All competition is good competition but this is not competition, its not necessary for a start. Ignore the nationalist stuff and at the end of the day, a consumer wants to pay for a chip that provides good performance for a good price, we dont care where its coming from, hell most the stuff we...
  18. S

    Russia wants to replace US computer chips with local processors

    Why try to be nationalistic about computer chips lol, the general populace who are computer lovers will still buy intel because its vastly faster. This is based off of a UK chip which is found mostly in smartphones, bit strange, not exactly for gamers or enthusiasts.
  19. S

    Ukraine's Unexploded Mines Found in Russian Rostov Region

    Yeah im sure no one from Russia crossed the border either, only that nasty aggressive Ukrainian state! one mighty 30 year old APC was no doubt going to wreak havoc in Russia. And most in the west dont read one one or two news sources, you believe your medias portrayal of the west whereas in...
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