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  1. The Huskar

    My Younger Bother As IAS officer.

    Congrats.what rank in UPSC
  2. The Huskar

    Clinton reveals how Obama forcibly prevented China's 'secret' meeting with India to isolate US

    So USA uses dirty tricks to stall its inevitable fall,huh.Why am i not suprised.
  3. The Huskar

    Karachi Airport Attack was made by India, says Hafeez sayeed

    If Hafeez Saeed says so,it must be true.God knows he is a omnipresent and omniscient being.
  4. The Huskar

    Mumbai Metro inauguration on Sunday

    Just asking to everyone.In a seismically active area like Guwahati,what type of metro ,underground or overground possible
  5. The Huskar

    Boost Economic ties, develop infrastructur for Northeast Indians: Gen. VK Singh :)

    The main cause of Congress rise in Assam is AGP.During AGP tenure,they almost ruined Assam.Corruption was rampant,all scheme were scams to funnel tax money,literally everything was shit.Then Congress came,gave a stable government,workers got their pay etc.Congress was not great but was...
  6. The Huskar

    Qatar nears talks to buy ‘unpopular’ Rafale fighter jets

    They could buy around 100 mig 21 with that money,why not go for that.Threat perception nowadays is not a stationary condition.you never know which banana republic decides to get your land or resources. My advice to all middle east countries get armed to the teethand pray for peace
  7. The Huskar

    Qatar nears talks to buy ‘unpopular’ Rafale fighter jets

    I think Qatar government would be more concerned abouut its defence than Pakistan's forex reserves. No offence but JF17 does not hold a candle in front of Rafale
  8. The Huskar

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Agreed.public institutions should also be named after national heroes like Sukhdev,chandreshekhar azad etc.
  9. The Huskar

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Nice.too many public institutions named after the Gandhi-Nehru family.
  10. The Huskar

    Russia planning to place three GLONASS ground stations in India

    That is what I am afraid of.also if GLONASS is accepted as India's regular positioning system outside India,IRNSS would remain stuck in the subcontinent
  11. The Huskar

    Russia planning to place three GLONASS ground stations in India

    What will happen to IRNSS if India buys a stake in GLONASS
  12. The Huskar

    India's Akash SAM successfully tested by IAF

    what is ripple mode??
  13. The Huskar

    Assam should be part of Greater Bangladesh

    Dream on.BD migrants are in Assam due to congress votebank politics.now that they are removed,we will drive them out in herds.
  14. The Huskar

    What should Modi deliver in the first 12 months ?

    Not possible,bro.we wont achieve 10% growth atleast until FY17-18.by then we MAY touch double digit but not before
  15. The Huskar

    What should Modi deliver in the first 12 months ?

    curb inflation to about 3% and stabilise the market by introducing reforms
  16. The Huskar

    Modi to keep defence ministry !

    no I am worried that he will not be able to give enough time to defenceas required.afterall it is one of the most important cabinet position so it should get separate attention.but if he can handle it the,all the better.
  17. The Huskar

    Modi to keep defence ministry !

    is it wise? with all the regular workload of PM,can he really efficiently handle MOD
  18. The Huskar

    Iran unveils two new indigenous defense achievements

    Congrats to Iran on their growing defense industry and indigeinisation capabilities
  19. The Huskar

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    :victory:Tarun Gogoi to resign as Assam CM. :yahoo::yahoo:Hell yeah..
  20. The Huskar

    Modi exploring breakup of Coal India, opening up sector - sources

    Land accquisition should be overseen by the government.if private companies are given free hand,they will use all means to displace tribals
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