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  1. T

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    What do you take meaning by "Muslim Ummah"? Islamic peoples already exist in this world. Islamic people are like Jewish people. They have common language of prayer, common ritual, common greetings (Salam), one book, personal following of Islamic legal code etc etc, a universal dress-code we...
  2. T

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    Hey, why doesn't Saudi Arabia join this project too? Look, Turkey has links and manpower for the job...Saudi Arabia has MASSIVE financial capital..both countries will learn from each other and benefit too...
  3. T

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    Engine is not the only problem with fifth generation aircraft. Anyways, T-FX isn't even announced yet..lets see what kind of specifications they come up with... Turkey should have the target of becoming the strongest military power on mainland Europe (Russia isn't counted as Europe here)...
  4. T

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    I already did. Tell me directly the answer to my questions
  5. T

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    Turkey doesn't have much experience in building aircrafts..and then such a massive jump in going directly for a fifth generation aircraft? How confident you guys are on Turkish aviation industry's capabilities? One more question, does Turkey produce F-16s from scratch or it just assembles kits...
  6. T

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    Cuz your conscience know that I'm just playing around with people here. I know Turks are extremely secular and don't like this "Mashallah" or "secularists bad, Erdogan great" bs much... :D
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    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    Thank you for supporting AKP.
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    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    Turkey is going through amazing transformation, Mashallah! Expect enemies of turkey to use retarded libertards-secularist in hope to topple Erdogan..so that Turkey becomes what it was before--a third world useless country unless Erdogan took over. So Turks better watch out.
  9. T

    Afghan Taliban turning into well-trained force

    Yeah. Dumbass. Do you even know what "NATO standards" are and how does Pakistan Military compare to it? LMAO! Pakistan Military training is right up there what you would call "NATO standards" ...Pakistani officers regularly win medals for best performance in western academies. Our weapon...
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    Egypt's government has resigned: state-run al ahram website

    lol...egyptians don't deserve 'rule of themselves'...they always need a foreign tool like Mubarak or Sisi to govern them. How pathetic.
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    Saudi doublespeak hits India’s core interests

    why is this indian loser crying again? :lol:
  12. T

    Turkish Aviation Programs

    Hey guys, so its Turkey developing its own indigenous fifth generation aircraft? Turkey doesn't have much experience in building aircrafts..and then such a massive jump in going directly for a fifth generation aircraft? How confident you guys are on Turkish aviation industry's capabilities...
  13. T

    Pakistan: The Coming Conflict in North Waziristan

    Hey Dutchman, stop fueling extremism by banning Halal food in your country and trying to ban circumcision too. and control greet wilders too. He get too many votes. Whats up with your dutch? Are you retarded to vote such dumbass?
  14. T

    Afghan Taliban turning into well-trained force

    :lol: What,according to you, is "quality"? Nothing less than U.S military? Pakistan Military is one of the strongest militaries on the face of planet, while your shitland doesn't even have a military. Failed? where? LOL! Pakistan military won every war with TTP..specially the most major one...
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    Stupid egypians burn our flag

    I know. Just wanted to know your opinoon. Please say and calm down.
  16. T

    Stupid egypians burn our flag

    Do you like your new constitution?
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    Stupid egypians burn our flag

    Hey dude, whats up with Tunisia buddy? I heard they passed a constitution and everyone is happy? Who do you think will win in next elections? Al Nahda? or opposition?
  18. T

    IAF has 220 Su-30MKI's in Active Service.

    Logistics and maintain ace. PAF can deploy more fighters in air than india. Look at the pilot ratio of PAF with iaf.
  19. T

    Saudi ‘seeking Pakistan arms for Syrian rebels’

    Why doesn't United States just thermo-nukes entire fucking middle-east once for an all?
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