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  1. Defender pk

    Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

    Whatever the situations are we must pay tribute to our national heroes ...PAK ARMY ZINDABAD
  2. Defender pk

    Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

    What shoul be done with these bustards operation or peace talks .......
  3. Defender pk

    Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

    JUST NOW... SSG Commandos arrives at Karachi Airport. Apparently 1 terrorist has been captured or killed. Meanwhile the senseless media is disclosing the equipment of the security forces and troop movement. Unbelievable how stupid our media is! sources,,,
  4. Defender pk

    Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

    Commandos of Pakistan Army arrives at Karachi Airport. Meanwhile senseless media disclosing the equipment of the security forces and troop movement
  5. Defender pk

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad wins third term

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has won a third term in office after securing 88.7% of votes in Tuesday's presidential election, the parliamentary speaker has announced. Earlier, Syria's constitutional court put the vote turnout at 73.47%. Voting took place in government-controlled areas, but...
  6. Defender pk

    Picture of the Day

  7. Defender pk


    the one's who are talking to change of religion of shia people actually they show their mindset created by the the saudi funded molvies really very sorry for those guys who r suggesting that the shias should change their religion
  8. Defender pk


    then the govt should take it seriously avoiding these type of situations
  9. Defender pk


    we will enjoy but when we will sufered from it personally then that will be the real ocassion
  10. Defender pk


    then what will call you this type of killing that no of inocent civilians suffered every day
  11. Defender pk


    you are right my bro but in last few days there is about 30 to 40 shia that have been killed most of them were govt officers
  12. Defender pk


    what are the basic reason behind shia genocide in Pakistan is the govt is totally fail to protect civilians and what should they do for their own defence should they pick the weapons for their own defence ....?
  13. Defender pk

    Pakistani leader of banned sectarian group gets parliament seat

    this man is the killer of innocent Pakistanis getting punds from saudi for taking out these activities and also belongs to banned terrorist organization but any how lets see who comes next to our parliament these are the outcomes of PML N and those gifts by the saudi
  14. Defender pk

    Why does Saudi Arabia need nuclear power?

    i just hate their govt policies because they are just puppits in front of those bustards americans and israelis and iaccept suadi govt help Pakistan but when there is terrible situation for them
  15. Defender pk

    Why does Saudi Arabia need nuclear power?

    Saudi govt should not try to do this stupid thing because there every need is already fulfilling by their great father America and Israel
  16. Defender pk

    Loud explosion heard in Rawalpindi

    dawn news and express.pk
  17. Defender pk

    Loud explosion heard in Rawalpindi

    Meanwhile TTP has condemed these blasts acoording to their spokesman these blasts are against humanity and their sharia because these blasts are not carried out by them .....very funny
  18. Defender pk

    17 senior Pakistani and Afghan Taliban leaders killed

    i feel very happy when i hear that someone has shooted these named mujahideen's or qari's because they are black dot on ISLAM they should be destroyed...
  19. Defender pk

    How would a war on Iran start off?

    i think israel should keep in mind that iran is not that one country which they see in 80's but iran is becoming an emerging nuclear power very soon and most powerful than that of 80's and also one of the most unite nation of the world
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