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  1. M

    Pakistan of 1960s When Ayub Met JFK

    The eternal banter on the JFK hit continues and the books published pushing 600. Some have fragments of truth, but most all miss their marks significantly and mislead the public. The very Roots for the JFK are the Manhattan Project, which is why we saw in Oak Ridge National Lab's Masonic...
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    Did Mossad kill John F. Kennedy over Israeli Nukes

    Hello, The Book called There's a Fish in the Courthouse by Wean is extremely close to what occurred for the JFK murder. Just keep in mind that Audie Murphy was a Big Dallas Texas MASON. John Tower was also a Mason. So, these are Masons talking about the sinister side of the Scottish...
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    Pakistan of 1960s When Ayub Met JFK

    Then we can discover that Lee Harvey Oswald came to Mason Controlled Oak Ridge: These days folks can begin to trace some of the Mason's dirty work as we know that Guy Banister in New Orleans was a high order Mason and persons like Lee Harvey Oswald worked for Banister in New Orleans. Lee Harvey...
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    Pakistan of 1960s When Ayub Met JFK

    I don't think this is theory, but it is a well proven history of the US and how it was taken over from within: Even more information can be seen via google of these top terms: The real history matters more than the parroting of those that corrupted the truth: HARRY S. TRUMAN War Criminal WAR...
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    Pakistan of 1960s When Ayub Met JFK

    .The real story differs from what some propose. Basically, the Japan war was so over that FDR was going to direct US to take over Hong Kong, Vietnam, Algeria and other Colonies and render them free choice via his Four Freedom's plans. FDR was going to put England under International Control to...
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    Pakistan of 1960s When Ayub Met JFK

    Another interesting Youtube video that reveals the Mason hate for Catholics and JFK is found via these search terms: JFK Assassination - Mason Connection
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    Pakistan of 1960s When Ayub Met JFK

    Some of the inner secrets for why the Atomic Bomb Masons feared a Catholic President and prepped to kill him, if he learned too much about how Masons killed Catholics seeking Peace for Japan and how JFK's Catholic friend Jim Forrestal was involved as the Sec of Navy for FDR. Perhaps it is a...
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    Deadly bacteria that defy drugs of last resort

    The Civilian Chemtrails method was invented at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1987, as Teller's theme for climatic disaster was being spoken about in the National Lab system in Oak Ridge. One of the Internal Security folks named Don Wayne Bible and Jim Phelps ate lunch together and Jim Phelps...
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    Deadly bacteria that defy drugs of last resort

    Detection of those engaged in releasing Boron from their commercial Jet fuel loaded with Boron Based Biocides. Just study this Standard Oil Patent reference and anyone can discover the two principle offending Boron chemicals used by Commercial airline jet fuels: Look up Patent...
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    Pakistan of 1960s When Ayub Met JFK

    I can well understand why. JFK knew much of the things FDR realized about the Imperialism via the East India Company that held India back and took all their resources. They realized the issues of the Sassoon Drug empire that held China back. JFK was determined to have a rising tide lift the...
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    Deadly bacteria that defy drugs of last resort

    Hi, Here is the key to how the Civilian Chemtrails: They use Boron that is placed in a Lubricity and Fungal / Bacterial chemical placed in the jet fuels distribution after it leaves the refinery. Burning Boron chemicals in jet engine's makes compounds of Boron that are hygroscopic, such as...
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    Pakistan of 1960s When Ayub Met JFK

    How did JFK get marked for death in Dallas---All the Kings men fall down If you really want to find the ultimate clues-----note that JFK hater Curtis LeMay was a Mason, so was Bronfman in Canada---allied with Louis Bloomfield and Hoover. HL Hunt had both LeMay and Mason George Wallace down...
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    Pakistan of 1960s When Ayub Met JFK

    I have the general impression that Pakistan folks are a get down to business type persons, so lets put that view to a test. Back in 1963, a Mason told me the real deal on what was the biggest faction behind the JFK hit. It was the Scottish Rite Masons of the South, which had a strong presence in...
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    Who killed JFK?

    ======= There is a Zionist Component via that way and JFK pushing for Dimona nuclear plant inspections. Ben Gurion gets fired for agreeing with JFK to allow that. The PERMINDEX component includes the Zionist factors. Loius BloomField trained Haganah. PERMINDEX included Tabor...
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    The JFK Assassination

    If you find the correct search zone, you find a Forum called ATS. Nothing is three years old, almost all is within the last two months.
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    The JFK Assassination

    There are some huge leaks on the Who Killed JFK them appearing on the Internet. Look for the listings of Magnum Opus using Google search terms like this: The JFK Assassination----NASA and USAEC Roles-----50 Years is long Enough and those similar to that. But the extensive details of what...
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    Who killed JFK?

    For the most in depth look into the JFK murder, be sure to google this search term: The JFK Assassination----NASA and USAEC Roles-----50 Years is long Enough
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    Who killed JFK?

    Hello Pakistan Defense List, I have read some of the listings on the JFK Pakistan List and see the appreciation for JFK, who I also value. In that interest, many of the extensive details on who was behind the JFK killing are being presented on this thread. I would encourage all the...
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