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  1. Romeoo

    Iran makes Rahdari permit invalid for travel to Sistan-Baluchestan province

    well its the correct time for Pakistan to restructure it Iranian foreign police for instant we should start Drilling in Taftan region we need oil.
  2. Romeoo

    Analysis: Dr. Afridi - Enemy of the State?

    No his crime is he be trades Pakistan coz of him there are so maney polio cases in pakistan people and children of pak is sufering coz of him there is so many polio vaxcenator dead or injured coz of him we have to make an example of him hang him 100 times and that in public.
  3. Romeoo

    Ibrahim says air strikes to complicate situation

    we need to stop wasting our bran energies and start thinking on one point and that is why whenever there are peace talks some thing will stop it from either sides we need to find these enemy's powers and eliminate them it goes for both the GOV & Taliban.
  4. Romeoo

    Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

    We have to see who is gonna benefit from this situation pak Army should be care full about operation PAk gov should see deep into it the indecent happen in mohmand and dear area not in North waziristan than the opration should be done in \dire bajor border area afghan kunar is the base camp...
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