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  1. Grand Historian

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    You are just angry that Uighur can be terrorists. Your attempts to backpedal are futile. 1.You posted a flag of East Turkestan. 2.You blame the tensions on the governement. 3.You make strawmen arguments about all Chinese saying genocidial comments about Uihgurs 4.You haven't stepped foot in...
  2. Grand Historian

    Filipino WW2 rape victims demand justice from Japan

    Not surprising at all,as the Right Wing holds sway in the Japanese government. Death is not suitable reprieve for those Imperial Japanese soldiers. It abhors me that there are monuments honoring these scum ie the Yasukuni Shrine.
  3. Grand Historian

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    This is exactly why you are a troll,you refuse to acknowledge Uighur terrorism and instead you blame the government. Trolls such as you always make up strawmen about Chinese saying this or saying that. How would you like it if Chinese members judged all Turkish PDF members by atawolf's posts?
  4. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    No they don't you liar,they are labeled Han.
  5. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    You're right trying to educate them is like breaking a rock with an egg. They can masturbate that Vietnam was the origin of everything but nothing will change reality. Yuechang was originally not in Vietnam read the original text:cheesy: It doesn't matter if someone speaks Mon/Khmer languages...
  6. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    I'm not going to repeat the same facts I've posted numerous times,you are clearly unable to digest genetic,linguistical,textual and archaeological evidence. I suppose Southern Vietnamese are fake Vietnamese because they live in the lands of Chams and Khmers:crazy:
  7. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    @Hu Songshan Rechoice is trolling Southern Han Chinese again.
  8. Grand Historian

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    Fair enough. Autosomal studies already prove that this is wrong,would you like me to post them? Northern Xinjiang was never the traditional lands of Hans or Uighurs it wast he territory of the Zunghar Mongols. Furthermore Chinese controlled the region far before there was a Turkic identity...
  9. Grand Historian

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    While ethnicities are social constructs,genetics are not. My point is that claims based on "blood ties" have no value as Uighurs and Anatolian Turks are more related to local populations than with each other. Furthermore Turkish nationalist claims that Xiongnu/Huns/Gokturks are their ancestors...
  10. Grand Historian

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    Again I'm not the one who called others "çin-çons" I never called your Turkish culture terrorist culture neither have I said that Turks are responsible for the terrorism in Xinjiang and beyond. Rather I criticize your claims that Uighurs are native to all of Xinjiang and that they are your...
  11. Grand Historian

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Go visit Xinjiang and converse with Uighurs there before making trollish claims.
  12. Grand Historian

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    I rest my case Turkish members are trolls calling for an East Turkestan,Uighur Brethren etc when history and genetics don't match up with their pre conceived notions. Before complaining about PRC treatments of Uighurs maybe they should reflect on the Armenians and Kurds.
  13. Grand Historian

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    Quite rich coming from you after all you are ranting about oppressed Uighurs brethren in the first place:cheesy: I suppose the geneticists who composed those graphs and the Turkic artists who sculpted statues of GokTurks are all rubbish:cheesy: Whether you want to live in a fantasy world where...
  14. Grand Historian

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    There is no way Turkish nationalists are going to worm their way out of this one my posts are backed by genetic studies and archaeological artifacts.
  15. Grand Historian

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    You are always ranting about Uighur brethren,oppressor Han Chinese,Uighurs being native to all of Xinjiang when all of these are wrong. There's no use in denying it Autosomal DNA /Y DNA/M DNA all show that Anatolian Turks are mainly derived from a native population. Why do you keep on claiming...
  16. Grand Historian

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    Autosomal studies show that Anataloian Turks cluster closer towards Armenians than Uighurs. Basically you confirm that you are the descendants of conquered people no?
  17. Grand Historian

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    Deny all you want the genetic evidence shows who your ancestors really are. For example does Kul Tugin resemble modern day Anatolian Turks?
  18. Grand Historian

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    Neither modern day groups has any ties with ancient Turkic groups. Anatolian Turks are mostly assimilated natives.
  19. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    Southern Han are a mix of intruding Northern Han males and native ethnicties neither of which have anything to do with Kinh Vietnamese. All you can do is spew the same lies over and over again I wonder if you would actually contribute to this forum rather than troll.
  20. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    And where is Qin,Zhao,Chu etc today? Again how can we apply an modern day ethnic label on extinct people? Reminds me of Vietnamese claiming Baiyue as solely Vietnamese. There aren't any separatist movements save for some Uighurs and Tibetans which are hardly representative of the majority Han...
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