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  1. Frosty

    Saudi man bombs Beirut hotel, several people injured

    Your remarks against Muslims disgust me. He was a criminal regardless of his faith. Weren't the ones who gang-raped and hanged that teenage Indian girl a few months ago of Hindu faith? I didn't see Hinduism go to trail.
  2. Frosty

    Saudi man bombs Beirut hotel, several people injured

    God riddance. He was on the Saudi government terror list, a fact Press TV failed to mention.
  3. Frosty

    Saudi Arabia achieves 96% literacy rate

    Give it a few years until someones nanny dies.
  4. Frosty

    Iraq government to blame for Islamist rebel advance - Turki Al Faisal

    (Reuters) - A senior Saudi prince blamed the Iraqi government of Nuri al-Maliki for the loss of wide areas of northern Iraq to Islamist militants, saying Baghdad had failed to stop them joining forces with former Baathists from the Saddam Hussein era. Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi...
  5. Frosty

    Conflicts in Iraq: News & Discussions

    ISIS is de facto getting a large portion of Iraq and the Iraqi Government seems unable or unwilling to do anything about it. The Iraqi security forces fled even when outnumbering the ISIS fighters 15 to 1. This is not looking good. If the Maliki government cannot restore order, NATO intervention...
  6. Frosty

    What is the greatest Middle Eastern military power?

    there's no comparison. Israel has nukes and the means to deliver them.
  7. Frosty

    Former intelligence heads of Israel/Saudi Arabia debate

    Former intelligence heads of Israel/Saudi Arabia debate – Brussels Debate with Former Saudi head of intelligence and former Israeli head of military intelligence The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) hosted the first public panel discussion on May 26 in Brussels between a...
  8. Frosty

    Saudi Arabia in Pictures

    Tombs of the Kings and Princes A bit dark i know but thought this part of Saudi should also be presented King Fahad Bin Abdullaziz Prince Sultan Bin Abdullaziz Prince Nayef Bin Abdullaziz Tomb of an ordinary Saudi Arabian man
  9. Frosty

    Paralysed Saudi pleads for help on Twitter

    Ibrahim's tweets "No one is visiting me. Not my father, not my brothers .. no one. and people visit the guy on the bed next to me every now and then. Please visit me and you'll find Ager inshalla" "pray for me. I've been paralyzed in King Khaled hospital for a year and a half now" and " I...
  10. Frosty

    Paralysed Saudi pleads for help on Twitter

    Ibrahim, who has the Twitter handle @gladd2007 said on his social media account that “no one is visiting me, none of my brothers, my father, and no one,” urging other fellow Saudi Arabians to visit and comfort him. However, Khaled al-Ammar, a Saudi businessman, launched on Sunday a fundraising...
  11. Frosty

    Saudi Arabia largest military exercise ''Sword of Abdullah''

    Hold on a second....something's fishy.. i see Al-shareef on this lad's name tag. a coincidence? i say no. Nice selfie @al-Hasani . not too shabby lol.
  12. Frosty

    Saudi Arabia largest military exercise ''Sword of Abdullah''

    First ever taken pictures of the Saudi ballistic missiles. dang you beat me to it lol. beautiful aren't they?
  13. Frosty

    Azerbaijan is running out of Oil

    Wrong section mate. This is the middle east and this is Africa Azerbaijan is not on either maps. cheers
  14. Frosty

    Saudi Arabian Air, Land, Naval Forces & SANG

    Saudi Arabian pilot in an Egyptian F-16 fighter jet. quite interesting.
  15. Frosty

    The Child-Murderer alias Al-Asshead's barrel bombs kill 517 civilians in a fortnight

    Not every community have mainly traitor doctors, engineers, pilots and high ranking officers of once a great country. tho there is a noticeable number of Arabs in Iran but no she was from a christian persian bushehri family. She later converted to Islam. Most Arab people in iran are muslims.
  16. Frosty

    The Child-Murderer alias Al-Asshead's barrel bombs kill 517 civilians in a fortnight

    Both my parents are Arabs. My grandad however found love in bushehr. Although gran's mother tongue was parsi she spoke arabic perfectly with a khaliji accent and never actually have heard her speak parsi and that always got me to wonder about the possibility of your mother tongue to fade away...
  17. Frosty

    The Child-Murderer alias Al-Asshead's barrel bombs kill 517 civilians in a fortnight

    I have a hard time classifying Arab as a race. To me its more like a culture or a language that was adopted by many ethnic groups. Perhaps we can say Arabs are part of the Semitic "race"? meh that's a whole different subject will leave it to that.
  18. Frosty

    The Child-Murderer alias Al-Asshead's barrel bombs kill 517 civilians in a fortnight

    I'm Arabian and i don't wish death upon Iranians. On the other hand, I've got many persian friends/cousins who would love to see the U.S/U.K. bombing those nutty ayatollahs. They even have a community here that calls just for that i have attended once.
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