Thanks for the Links they are exactly explaning what i am saying the issue is not about UN sanctions.I dont think we are supporting Iran ballistic missile program and nuclear weapon program. There is two sanctions UN and US dont mix sanctions. As like as sanctions on HQ-9.
Yes My friend. But it is US sanctions not UN. I cant belive My self i am defending goverment lol but i really dont have problem with that. As like as Bülent Ecevit did in the past thats a goverment decision. Same thing happening with Chinise missile system too. All of these goverment politic...
Actually 87 Billion Euroes not exactly true. It is goverment decisions i have No problem with that but it seems like while doing trade with Iran seems like some of them decided to get commission fee lol. And it is a problem.
I watched same news General Manager of Aselsan was making a speach in new Kazakhistan joined factory. He was TOT is not satisfactory for all offers. He says if can have some time we can do it the most important part is radar and we are already developing for new frigate. With the experiance of...
Well i dont know he is Greatest general or not. But here is a little summary,
An Empire beaten in many battles, lost Millions of people because of non stop war for many decades, and in WWI totally fallen and invaded. Capital invaded armies dismissed. What is left invaded by...
My friend i am totally agree with you i am not saying it is cheap. Without engines defence industry will never boost economy and more important defence industry will always be depended. I am reading some US articles about TF-X they are saying 40 Billion dolars. But this price really doent seen...
Yes numbers are clear PKK votes 5 percent againist 95. You dont need to call PKK Terroist organization it is already Internationally Recognized Terroist organization.
Actually talking about TF-X engine
Ok if yes why? i am seeing jet engines flying every 45 seconds over me. It is already known and developed technology. We are not talking about cold fusion reactor or anti matter powered engine research cost. We are talking about 40 Billion dolars. I am start...
Hi to everyone i have a question about engines. We are buying engines from US. Same issue with TF-X project too. I am reading articles and defence forums most of them saying an engine will cost 40 billion. Here is the question why a jet engine costs 40 Billion i really need a logical...
Neyse salla gitsin. Bu arada daha öncede söylemiştim Fatih de hatırlattı yine muhattab almaya deymez. Hapisteki başlarıda zaten bastırıp duruyor bitsin bu iş kırmızı noktalı kanal sözü verdiler hala açılmıyor diye.
Adam yerine koyup seninle ne tartışacak insanlar. Terörist olduğunu kendin söylüyorsun. Türk askeri Kürdlerin ırzına geçiyor diyorsun. Sonra da yakılarak öldürülen bir kızın görüntüleri paylaşılınca CHP ve MHP yapmıştır kanıtın varmı yazıyorsun. Şakamısın birader sen.
Bu arada duvar konusunda...
You said you are supporter of Internationaly Recognized Terroist Organization before it makes you a Terroist. You dont need to send defination of Terroist it is already Recognized.
Dediğim gibi ilk başta bende senin gibi düşünüyordum. Sonra adamın post larına baktım bu post dan başka reply aldığı yok. İstedği de bu propaganda yapıyor
Probably they deployed it counter measure for NATO x-band radar. But US deployed 90 nukes in Turkey many decades ago. If we compare with it is not a big deal i think lol.
Tam ifade edemedim benim hatam anlaşılması daha net açıklayayım Türkiye'de 14 bilemedin 15 orgeneral vardır ara ara sayısı değişebilir. Mesela her ordu nun başında bir orgeneral vardır. Bu orgeneral lerden birinin görevi Eğitim ve Doktrin Komuntalığı. Sırf bu iş için bir komutanlık var. Tüm...
Neptune bir iki ekleme daha yapayım savaş doktrinleri bir çok orduda standart dır. Hele NATO ya üye ülkelerin tamamında Irak Iran a saldırdığında ilk olarak komuta kontrol merkezlerini aniden yok etmişlerdi sürpriz bir saldırıyla. Yalnız o tarihteki Iran ordusu tamamen ABD ordusu tarafından...