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  1. G

    US Report: Chinese cruise missiles could pose biggest threat to U.S. carriers

    Hey gambit did you know it recently happen, and did USA gov't tell you this? November 22, 2013 War Fears Rise After China Missile Tests Over Oregon By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is reporting today that the Vityaz...
  2. G

    US Report: Chinese cruise missiles could pose biggest threat to U.S. carriers

    Hey Gambit What you mean USA is your country? Do you actually born and have birth certificate in USA? if you just have the citizen green card, you are not American born, you are immigrant shelter in second country. Lol get it, so stop call ours USAF. So embarrassed. Please explain the missile...
  3. G

    US Report: Chinese cruise missiles could pose biggest threat to U.S. carriers

    Bullshit talk, now try B2 to China or Russia please. All Asian nation been split between US and China. Which one did you said been lean on US? Lol the japa dogs, or the Korean kimchi or the Phil flip? Aren't those your former dogs? Your new dog I see is now Indian. The VC is scaring about the...
  4. G

    US Report: Chinese cruise missiles could pose biggest threat to U.S. carriers

    Are you talking for the US government? Will US ally risk to fight WW3? This time would be Russia and China together will wipe US. Please action more than talks. Talk everyone can do it, but action never happen. I see the chinese HD981 oil rig will stay and remain there. The Diaoyu calm for now...
  5. G

    Why don't the Americans attack Russia?

    idiot gambit you are moron, russia attack US and both wipe out. Indian will be next super power in their wet pant dream.
  6. G

    Japan to temporarily suspend ODA to Vietnam over bribery case

    Japan is smart up now, they support Viet so they can move Japaneza to live in viet because soon or later japan island will be under the sea.
  7. G

    Japan to temporarily suspend ODA to Vietnam over bribery case

    Oh without Russia and chinese, your victory never happen. Remember VNCH sold out those Paracel island to chinese in 1974. You cannot get it back remember that. Don't forget 1956 the two island VNCH and USA give to china cannot get that one back either. Mostly Thanks to US and VNCH for their...
  8. G

    US warns China that Washington will not remain passive if the international order is threatened

    BS thread, US is dead duck now. They words come out from peanuts, they do nothing to china or russia. Talk without action.
  9. G

    Joe Biden: "Name one innovative product from China"

    Even not tested, I do not see US dare to cross the line. and ford is suck expensive and breakable, still suck then indian nano which is garbage but cheap. riding a ford like riding tricycle, but riding nano from indian like ride on human pulling wagon. in vietnam term is "xich lo" or cyclo. ps...
  10. G

    Chinese Nuclear Missile Upgrade Near Dalian

    is this nuke going to wipe out the INDIAN anytime soon. I dunno how strong the INDIAN nukes, I only heard strong from their mouths. When I look through all their weapons export to other country thread, all I see are US patent or Russian patent weapons with label made in INDIA. lol
  11. G

    Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

    The chinese government should let all chinese people live there carry guns, this way when one or two other chinese by stander can shoot at those motha pucker. Built more army base in xianjiang and put camera every street and corner.
  12. G

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    Yup and you grow a d*ck out from your mouth for that anus you want.
  13. G

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    Guys, please confirm there is a rumour saying china got the technology of USS Zumwalt. China will built at least 10 of them.
  14. G

    HQ-17: A Classic Russian Missile With A New Chinese Twist

    You are right too, those idiot replied my post.
  15. G

    HQ-17: A Classic Russian Missile With A New Chinese Twist

    Hahaha this coming from an idiot talk. India 2nd economy largest cannot produce own bullet, MARS explore everything given by US and Russian. Nothing news.
  16. G

    China's Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) capability

    How stupid you really are? Or you reading the article without understanding the basic English? The article stated if US strike first, communist china strike back. With china nukes stockpile less, china will have to use Russia nukes umbrella to help. If china gone out the map. Russia will be wipe...
  17. G

    China Conducts First Test of New Ultra-High Speed Missile Vehicle

    Is china going to built a super advanced hypersonic missile which will hit any target around the globe in 30 second. Then this is a breaking news, china may take Diaoyu island very easy. The japs will free delivery the island quicker.
  18. G

    Chinese Army's secret of success? European engineering

    Funny Thread to hear, and by the way. Indian Mars Mission is giving by us "US of A", from launcher to probe everything from NASA. Dont take credits from us and claim it is your stupid INDIAN
  19. G

    China has forced India to have Military alliance with Japan and Vietnam: Defence analyst

    WTF 1 billion moron Indian cannot do any shit with chini, need the small country japan and Vietcong to help?
  20. G

    PLA Launches Fourth Type 052d 'chinese Aegis' Destroyer

    Why are you showing America muscle to the Chinese here? Even US has all these toys they cannot do any SH!t alone by themselves, I must admit.
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