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  1. C

    Chinese army refuses to vacate Arunachal

    We should move forward with colonization procedures, as soon as the Indians get the courage to stand up for themselves.
  2. C

    China Economy Forum

    Fair enough. We should keep separate from these people.
  3. C

    China Economy Forum

    There is a really good way to find out how real China is. Take a look at some pictures. One can only laugh at such news articles. I had an Indian once tell me that he believes China's real GDP figure is not $8.2 trillion (as is officially reported), but is closer to $3 trillion! I asked him to...
  4. C

    China Economy Forum

    I love it when people use this predetermined response to someone using Wikipedia as a source. It's like you guys have a hard time thinking independently. Wikipedia is not in and of itself a source, but Wikipedia DOES link to the source that she uses to display certain information. Get it...
  5. C

    Images suggest China's first carrier under construction

    Off topic question... Do you know which is the largest Chinese defense forum on the internet? Would greatly appreciate an answer. Thank you.
  6. C

    Images suggest China's first carrier under construction

    Thanks for the info. Do you know if there is any legit news on the propulsion type and launch system?
  7. C

    Images suggest China's first carrier under construction

    Are you serious? I didn't hear this news!
  8. C

    Iran seizes Indian ship

    Makes sense. Either one.
  9. C

    Chinese army refuses to vacate Arunachal

    What happens to sh!t talkers that are weaker than the people they are talking sh!t to? It's good you know your people are *much* weaker. Then you should probably stop sh!t talking....
  10. C

    Iran seizes Indian ship

    Even Iran makes Indian look like a fool. What's next? CNN headline of the future - Burundi colonizes Kerala after Indian refusal to stop gang-ranging foreign dignitaries
  11. C

    Indian Navy submarine explodes in Mumbai

    Peace time attrition needs to be a new word, specifically attributed to Indians.
  12. C

    US Army and USAF intercept cruise missile for first time with JLENS-guided

    That's absolutely right. Anyone who automatically deduces that a compliment given to someone else must be due to "sucking up", is an indication of a severe insecurity disorder, and indeed a raging jealousy. He is probably just projecting his own emotional insecurities onto you, because that is...
  13. C

    Iran seizes Indian ship

    Do Indians ships have that range? :omghaha:
  14. C

    US Army and USAF intercept cruise missile for first time with JLENS-guided

    Where is the anecdotal evidence I used? Do you know what anecdotal evidence is? Quick! Do a Google search!
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    US Army and USAF intercept cruise missile for first time with JLENS-guided

    1: Spare me American sayings. You're not American. 2: That's exactly right. Geographic origin correlates with race-ethnicity due to the fact that there is a high correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance. How does that refute anything I said. That is exactly what I said. 3...
  16. C

    US Army and USAF intercept cruise missile for first time with JLENS-guided

    If Chinese are average then what does that make the Whites which built the countries that you are speaking of? Chinese score better, have higher incomes, better educational attainment, etc. than Whites. So by your own theories, Whites are inferior to Chinese and Indians. Why? Because these...
  17. C

    US Army and USAF intercept cruise missile for first time with JLENS-guided

    IQ doesn't correlate with nationality; it correlates with geographic origin. You continue to post examples of Chinese people (in YOUR opinion) acting stupid; I'm going to repeat this for the last time. IQ does NOT measure knowledge; it measures *potential*. Everyone seems to understand this...
  18. C

    US Army and USAF intercept cruise missile for first time with JLENS-guided

    I'm not sure how many times I must say this, but I'm not going to take credit or responsibility for the mistakes or accomplishments of certain members on this forum, regardless of their nationality. That is all. If you have any insults in your response, DIRECT THEM TO ME, not the Chinese...
  19. C

    US Army and USAF intercept cruise missile for first time with JLENS-guided

    Actually, my B.S. is in genetics Vietcong. I am a psychologist by hobby, with enough technical knowledge to say so with authority.
  20. C

    US Army and USAF intercept cruise missile for first time with JLENS-guided

    Take a look at Gambit's response to Developro above. I'm getting a pretty good understanding of why gambit hides under the American people's flag, resigning the Vietnamese to defeat. He see's China, in her might and superiority, and understands that as a Vietnamese he will never live up to what...
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