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  1. Algeria

    Syria's Kurds move towards autonomy with announcement of transitional government

    Not really. PYD and the regime are kind of allies now, but who ever wins the civil war will not accept Kurdish autonomy, so this of course only temporary.
  2. Algeria

    Jaysh al-Islam led by Zahran Alloush

    Good and well researched article. Jaish al-Islam seems the most likely faction to lead the rebellion for several reasons: 1) They are the only major rebel faction left operating in Damascus area. 2) They are salfi Islamist in their ideology but not extremist like Nusra, ISIS or even Ahrar. 3)...
  3. Algeria

    Military strikes against Assad's Syria | Updates & Discussions.

    What others!!! druze are barely 3%. Buddhists maybe! or are they considering secular Sunnis as 'other'?
  4. Algeria

    U.S : 'We are ready to go, like that'

    No one can be blamed for "the rise of al qaeda" in syria except assad. He released 90% of al qaeda leaders from jail back in 2011, after a few months of peaceful protests as a warning to the west. Including for example Abu Khalid al Suri,considered al Qaeda's most prominent thinker! and he was...
  5. Algeria

    Al Qaeda executes 3 men for not knowing prayers

    Do you mean Syria? The Syrian government was the biggest supplier of al-Qaeda recruits in Iraq...how ironic!!
  6. Algeria

    Al Qaeda executes 3 men for not knowing prayers

    ISIS is known to be very brutal since US occupation, but if the drivers turned out to be transporting weapons from Iraq and syria then they deserve to be shot on sight, however they didn't confirm that.
  7. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Egypt's ElBaradei faces charge over betrayal of 'national trust' Egypt's ElBaradei faces charges for 'betrayal of trust' | Al Jazeera America HAHAHA:)
  8. Algeria

    Turkey has evidence that Israel was behind Egypt's coup says Erdogan

    I see, so your point is that the egyptian army waited longer to massacre innocent civilians. Disgusting. Israel has zero friends in the region including Egypt.
  9. Algeria

    Turkey has evidence that Israel was behind Egypt's coup says Erdogan

    Hypocrisy!! What's the difference between Syria and Egypt? In both cases the army is killing peaceful Muslim protesters and preventing democracy.
  10. Algeria

    Turkey has evidence that Israel was behind Egypt's coup says Erdogan

    Not true. Qatar give real aid, KSA held it until the bloody coup then the next day promised Billions. So clearly the money was to support the killings. Its funny how Saudis fund hardline Sharia inside their desert while financing Muslims mass-murderers and kuffars outside. That alone should...
  11. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Congratulations fulool!! Mubarak will be released and Morsi jailed...Egyptians got screwed big time..lets wait maybe Jamal Mubarak will run for the next election :)
  12. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Do you feel proud being dependant on aid from all around the world EU, US, UAE, Qatar, KSA?
  13. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    That's the only Saudi foreign policy tool in their disposal. Whenever a problem arises, just throw money at it.. لاتستغربوا حماسة السعودي&#1577...
  14. Algeria

    Saudi Arabia ready to negotiate

    No peace with bashar..Syrians will stop at nothing but his head.
  15. Algeria

    Saudi Arabia ready to negotiate

    What a pathetic backer for poor Syrians, things were going much better when tiny Qatar war running the show:sad:
  16. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Haha you funny.. maybe start with allowing females to drive before any" hardline liberal approach":omghaha:. Your country enforces total sharia inside the desert and funds kuffar and mass-muslim killers like Sisi with Billions outside its borders. So your government is western slave hypocrite...
  17. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    The only reason why a deal wasn't reached between the army and MB is the Saudi and UAE pressure on Sissi to finish the brotherhood and completely crush the peaceful protesters and they will substitute any loss of US aid. read more...
  18. Algeria

    Saudi King Abdullah declares support for Egypt against terrorism

    @Yzd Khalifa @BLACKEAGLE Do you guys still support this coup after all the deaths?
  19. Algeria

    Saudi King Abdullah declares support for Egypt against terrorism

    Many Saudi scholars signed a petition denouncing the bloody coup. Also,this king is partially brain dead, so don't blame him, blame the people around him. This guy can't read a simple sentence..
  20. Algeria

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    It won't happen, Algeria supports the coup.
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