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  1. scobydoo

    Vietnam Rises as Middle Power at Defense Summit: Southeast Asia

    I'm Indonesian and i agree. :)
  2. scobydoo

    Indonesia's Economy, Political, Social, and Science Development Thread

    I CAN'T POST ANY PIC ANYMORE :angry: You have included a total of 17 images in your message. The maximum number that you may include is 10. Please correct the problem and then continue again. Images include use of smilies, the BB code [img] tag, and HTML <img> tags. The use of these is all...
  3. scobydoo

    Indonesia's Economy, Political, Social, and Science Development Thread

    Indonesia’s World Police Concert Jakarta residents have been enjoying car-free days every Sunday for several years now. The city government's policy has been well implemented at Jakarta's two main thoroughfares of Jalan Jenderal Sudirman and Jalan MH Thamrin in Central Jakarta. Today's car...
  4. scobydoo

    Malaysia splits with Asean on China Sea threat

    Singapore maybe full of Chinese people, but they hate Chinese mainland, remember the Singaporean response about the ferrari accident. Singapore is US ally that's why US place their LCS in Singapore. From this region, Singapore and Australia will join US side if US start to attacking China...
  5. scobydoo

    Changing Colonial era Names (Philippines, Indonesia)

    This thread need to be closed.
  6. scobydoo

    Saudi Arabia to finance Indonesia aviation industry with $3 billions.

    Alhamdulillah, now PT.DI has a partner for its financing so that the buyer does not have to pay cash again which is certainly damning buyers, with financing from the IDB then the buyer could buy credits / installments to IDB. With this scheme, hopefully PT.DI sell its products well. :D IDB...
  7. scobydoo

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Trikora Operation: Indonesian airforce long range bomber Tu-16
  8. scobydoo

    Funny,the Chinese 'U.S.A' coming (bad film & good equipments)

    i'm sorry sir, but don't you think they put the rifle scope too high? Looks not comfortable for the shooter because they could not rested their cheek to the buttstock.
  9. scobydoo

    Philippine Air Force interested in Gripen

    Philippines modernization budget around 1,7-1,8 billion for 5 years. I doubt they will buy gripen at 60 million each.
  10. scobydoo

    Indonesia's Economy, Political, Social, and Science Development Thread

    1,200 CEO FROM APEC ECONOMY MEMBERS WILL GATHER IN NUSA DUA BALI During the 2013 APEC CEO Summit 2013, there will be 1,200 CEO from APEC economic members will gather in Nusa Dua Bali, including 250 CEO from Indonesia. APEC Business Advisory Council will convey three main issues: development of...
  11. scobydoo

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Tau tuh ... si Inuyasha2 ngasal aja. Artis2 segala dimasukin Banyak postingan sampah gak guna yang cuma bikin habis bandwidth gw :tdown:
  12. scobydoo

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    lamborghini gallardo
  13. scobydoo

    China unveils latest H6-K bomber prototype.

    Is it upgraded version of Tu-16?
  14. scobydoo

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    I think he is loyal to his religion too. Every Chinese who left mainland convert their religion to Christianity. Same condition in Indonesia, it's very rare to find non-Christian Chinese here.
  15. scobydoo

    Indonesia's Economy, Political, Social, and Science Development Thread

    Director Gareth Evans Almost Got Killed by a Car on 'The Raid 2' Set by Ethan Anderton June 6, 2013 Source: Twitch The Raid 2 For those who took the time to see the film The Raid (or as it was retitled in the United States, The Raid: Redemption), a bombastic martial arts bonanza played out on...
  16. scobydoo

    Indonesia's Economy, Political, Social, and Science Development Thread

    Creative Industry Grows 7% TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Euis Saedah, director general of small and medium enterprises at the Industry Ministry, said that the creative industry has shown a seven percent annual increase. "The industry is one of the main supporters of Indonesia's economic growth each...
  17. scobydoo

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    Good... Indonesian military do a lot of exercise these days. :tup: Back to Garuda Shield Exercise pictures. US 82nd Airborne using T11 parachute, while Indonesian airborne (Kostrad) still using T10 parachute.
  18. scobydoo

    Indonesia Defence Forum

    ^ sumbernya mana??? post 30 sudah bisa insert link dan gambar. Klo belum bisa insert link dan gambar ente banyak2 ngejunk dulu di trit lain baru balik lagi ke trit ini. :whistle:
  19. scobydoo

    Will China start a war against the Philippines?

    That's photoshoped picture. As far as i know their ship only armed with gun, none of them missile-armed.
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