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  1. P

    Japan, faced with rising China, shifts its strategy

    China has repeatedly taken aggressive actions to force its imperial design on its small and powerless neighbors then the world. China's expansionist policy is to force a fiat accomplish with the gunboat policy of the 19th century and impose its diktat to the region. The world would raise their...
  2. P

    South China Sea Forum

    Are you Chinese Spy HongWu?
  3. P

    Indian Navy will intervene in South China sea, if required

    The more aggressive the mainland chinese are the closer India and Vietnam get; and the more. Thank you Chi bot.
  4. P

    India not interested in road connection with China

    Did you known, Indian knows china is a wimp and will not do anything no matter what Indian does.
  5. P

    New anti-China Asian trilateral grouping emerges: India, Indonesia, Aus

    The people of Asia and Burma had choose their friend how about Bangladesh still ride 2 horse? when your country is szzzzP00R you can not say or choose what ever you want.
  6. P

    Burma's Suu Kyi in anti-China campaign

    The country following the communist chinese,they just make themself wose and wose to the people, hungry,sick,painful and die,but the people who had the powel worked for communist, they all just good and get out to find the way and run to other country
  7. P

    why china is so corrupt, I want to tell my own story about corruption

    corruption is in their blood.
  8. P

    Japan, faced with rising China, shifts its strategy

    china only bully small nations ,not with japan the new version of passport has not include the shenaku islands.
  9. P

    21st ASEAN Summit in Cambodia (from Nov. 18 to 20)

    Yep, you are a very sad loser.
  10. P

    South China Sea Forum

    The Chinese are selective in their bullying activities. They pick on smaller countries which they know don't have firepower as strong as theirs. Look what happened last July in the part of Sea of Japan which lies within Russia's exclusive economic zone. Chinese fishing ships were fired upon and...
  11. P

    Japan, faced with rising China, shifts its strategy

    remember that china is still a communist nation. and US hate communism. this communists must be punished for their greediness.
  12. P

    South China Sea Forum

    The countries which involve with China just print there own map the problem is done. By doing this acts mean they invide the other countries to treat their bride map like a piece of toilet paper.
  13. P

    Southeast Asian States Ramp Up Arms Spending In Challenge To Chinese Threat

    You should focus more on that and try to not bring up the past so often, because it seems like you are producing excuses. Please focus on Freedom for people of Asean and not be like Tibet, China is the new Nazis of Asia.
  14. P

    ASEAN Affairs Forum

    ahfatzia you saying some thing with out any crucial knowledge,and no evidence to supporting the claim,it will be a misleading, in this particularly matter.
  15. P

    Southeast Asian States Ramp Up Arms Spending In Challenge To Chinese Threat

    The world welcomes the presence of the United States to check the bully of Asia, C nazis.
  16. P

    U.S. Intensifies Military Encirclement of China

    Remember this,US is very powerful now, not a single supper power on this planet can dare to tickling the USA.
  17. P

    South China Sea Forum

    So far i can see it,,every countries surrounding Asean region,they are happy with the way US treat them.
  18. P

    Taipei protests China’s new passports

    All countries around China are sovereign States and therefore no one could dictate to them on anything that affects their countries. China thinks that these countries are her satellite countries which will never happen.
  19. P

    21st ASEAN Summit in Cambodia (from Nov. 18 to 20)

    China the one that's starting wars around the Asian. Ignorant Chibot like you is failing this society. before that, are you not a Chinese ultra-nationalistic sympathizer living the Siam?
  20. P

    South China Sea Forum

    They start producing these phony documents, Classic Chinese strategy.lol
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