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  1. M

    PAF vs. IAF fighter fleet technology comparison

    In all the major war PAF was able to hold its ground and did serious damage to IAF. With limited resources and in future war most of the long strike from PAF will be don't with cruise and ballistic missile targeting bases and command centre and strategic important places. So PAF will be more...
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    Don't waste money on buying the Rafale. Boost Sukhoi-30MKI availability, and fast track the Tejas

    I think Rafale is good only when comes with complete TOT other wise not worth it .which will help to fill up the gap and can be utilized in LCA.
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    Judge who sentenced Saddam Hussein to death 'is captured and executed by ISIS'

    Saddam Army @work in Iraq right now and Republican army is any time superior to Shia let Fake iraq army who runaway leaving behind everything including their honour.
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    Judge who sentenced Saddam Hussein to death 'is captured and executed by ISIS'

    Subhan allah the way you put the word i did see his video the Shia thought he is going to beg and cry but allamdullilah he was so calm and he may have seen the angel of death welcoming him with smile .god is my witness i will prefer to die in such a way then dying in bed of a hospital any given...
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    Tahir ul Qadri what do you say about this

    If a government coming to power with big majority like PMLN should not worry about Dr qadri but this government came to power by rigging and know they don't have any supporter in public and dr qadri is giving them nightmare. poor police are in between the boss and public and they choose boss...
  6. M

    First Mi-35 and Now $ 900 M Aid? Would it be too much to Swallow?

    Funny Part is India buying American Weapon Paying Top Dollar and indirectly funding Pakistan Aid and then paying to lobby to stop aid flow to pakistan thats just pure hypocrisy.
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    Ultimate insult of Musharraf old video

    now please tell this mullah to talk like this with Noora and where was he when zardari was president :hang3:
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    Any Valid Reason to Hate Doctor Tahirul Qadri as a Visionary Politician?

    Talking to the dead in Khabar after funeral is prove from Hadith and is nothing wrong in it At least he is not telling his follower to blow in market place full of innocent people like salafi and Wahhabi terrorist.
  9. M

    Any Valid Reason to Hate Doctor Tahirul Qadri as a Visionary Politician?

    If somebody say that he saw prophet saw in his dream then believe him because if he is lying then he will destroy his akhira and there will be nothing for him in we're after. Don't be like ignorant people who argue with knowledgeable people just because they think they are different . If he saw...
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    Any Valid Reason to Hate Doctor Tahirul Qadri as a Visionary Politician?

    It is stated in a Hadith, Abu Hurairah RA reports that the Apostle of Allah SAW said: "He who sees me in a dream has certainly seen me, because Shaytaan cannot take my form." (Bukhari, Muslim) Can you please tell me how much money did Dr tahir collected on this dream ?
  11. M

    Police kills 11 PAT protesters in Lahore

    Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un Indian Police will Never Commit this Shamefull act Killing Women like dog. shame on Punjab Police . Pakistan needs revolution .
  12. M

    No Islamic sect to be declared 'kaafir': Ulama Council

    In the history of islam nobody call shia kafir and were never stop performing haj only salafi,ahle hadees started doing it in recently . Ahle Sunnat never said anybody kafir or bidati or musreek or munafiq that is the practise of salafi/deabandi,wahabi,ahle hadees. thats why we in india dont...
  13. M

    Shab-e-Miraj Mubarak

    Aaj Q ye aasmaan sajaya jaraha he 'Aaj Q ye aasmaan sajaya jaraha he. lagta he koi mhemaan bulaya jaraha he. jannat me Q khari he sajdaj k ye sawari. aisa kon he jis k liye fizao ko mehkaya jaraha he. kis ki he aamad aaj aasmano k sar pr. bohot dair se chand b muskuraye jaraha he...
  14. M

    Pakistan becomes first country to deploy China's BeiDou GPS network

    Its very good for pakistan without spending money they get all the goodies free and here indian are still busy putting their GPS satellite and spending top dollar. how things works in india it will take decade to achieve that if lucky.
  15. M

    The 'rat eaters' of India

    oh you already tasted both the meat did you eat donkey domesticated or wild and did you eat rate from farm or gutter. please lemme know
  16. M

    The 'rat eaters' of India

    People In Bangkok Eat Cookies with Roaches,Fly,Insect also eat Frog Chinese people eat dog ,cat,snake or what ever moves:cheesy: so what in wrong in eating rats its their taste buds free protein let them enjoy fellas.
  17. M

    The 'rat eaters' of India

    If you seen that the butcher was saying Poor people don't have money to buy Dal how they will afford meat of beef or goat they eat donkey meat knowingly . and yeah i like your surname "Dumb ***" :angel:. Go to ba
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    Najam Sethi "warns" Army and ISI to back off or else..................

    Nowadays Pakistan is Full of Mir Jafar.
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    Welcome to Bhavnagar, where Muslims are free to live – as long as they change their name

    Its not because he is muslim it is because he is a meat eater so there is no religious bias here is just a choice of neighbor .If the Muslim is already from bhavnagar he should know it and have not purchase the property but still he can make more money selling it to Gujju neighbor for a big...
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    India to pay Russia for arms, ammo it sells to Afghanistan

    Afghan People are fighting they are not organised and west just put label on anybody who they consider hostile Taliban.there are so many group fighting in AF. Pakistani cannot control their own house what they will be controlling AF mujahideen Lol. West don't have any solution to Af and they are...
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