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No Islamic sect to be declared 'kaafir': Ulama Council

No Islamic sect to be declared 'kaafir': Ulama Council


All Pakistanis are equal regardless of religion, the council said.

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – An inter-sect and interfaith harmony conference was arranged by Pakistan Ulama Council here on Thursday, following which a statement renounce murder and terrorism was issued. The statement also said that no Islamic sect will be declared ‘kaafir’ (infidel/non-believer), Dunya News reported.

The statement also said that the rights of Pakistani citizens are equal regardless of their religion, adding that terrorist acts and killing in the name of religion is contrary to the teachings of Islam.

It also said that no Islamic sect is to be declared infidel or non believer.

The statement said that no Muslim or non-Muslim can be declared ‘waajib-ul-qatl’ (worthy of death) and that the loud speakers would banned except for Azaan (call to prayer) and the sermons in Arabic.

It was also said that printing and distribution of material inciting hatred and violence will be banned.
The council decided that the hate-material will be stopped from disseminating on the internet and social networking websites.

The council appealed to resolve matters by sitting together with leaderships of Hindu and Sikh brethren.
Talking on the occasion, Information Minister Pervaiz Rasheed assured his support to the task taken by religious leaders.

He said that martyrs are viewed with respect and honour whereas those who have wronged hide from others.
Addressing the conference, the Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Yousaf said that Pakistan’s constitution protects the minorities, adding that no one can be forced to change religion. He said that the negotiations with Taliban were initiated for the sake of peace.

Source: No Islamic sect to be declared 'kaafir': Ulama Council | Pakistan | Dunya News

waajb ul qatl is not "worthy of death". It means "necessary to kill"

This is a Hadd punishment. A capital punishment in Islamic Law. It is only carried out by the ruler, and has conditions. It is not the fancy of any vigilante like the Qadri guy in Rawalpindi to carry out a death sentence on anyone, without any proper procedure or trial.

This dunya news article is not quoting the Ulema Council correctly. They are not aware of religious terms.

The molvis in the picture are fat.
the Indian poster on purposely wrote it big and in red so people will come in and fight....his mission is almost accomplished... @Multani @Irfan Baloch let us just wait to see who is categorized as what cant we just be happy with the little we get?

@Jungibaaz can we just remove that 1 word in red...it irks me how people are trying to answer it when no one really knows the answer!

these people always try ther best to create confusion among us..
That's none of our business, many so called Muslims do many questionable things, believe, disbelieve, but it is not our place to judge or impose on others. They do what they do and you continue doing what you do. Let God decide the fate of others.
This logic that "let God decide the fate of others" negates everything in Islam (Quran and Hadees).
If one want to be a muslim, he must not questioned the basics of Islam. If Qadianis are fine with their belief, they must not insist on calling themselves as muslim. As per our law, constitution and court's ruling they are non-muslim.
To start with they should stop calling ahmedis kafir .. or else is all sugar coating
Pakistan is more liberal than Indonesia then. In here, No Ulama dares to say like that. These Ulama can endorse "tolerance value" within Islam rather than saying things like that. If the terrorist is the target, there are so many verses in Quran that can be used to corner them.
To start with they should stop calling ahmedis kafir .. or else is all sugar coating
What else should we call them?
Kindly suggest something for them. They are not muslims (which they insist for unknown reasons).
Why cant they name something for them? After all followers of every religion has some name for them and they feel proud also.
I have never seen a "Qadiani" in my life, who is proud enough to say that yes i am follower of Mirza?
Why??? Why???
thats contradictory to the condition of becoming a Muslim

the recitation of Kalima.. One'ness of Allah and Prophethood of Muhammad PBUH

Abu Sufyan became a Muslim by saying that...

what is the source of our basic beliefs? please quote something not written by Molana Changaiz Khan HalwvaPuri
is it universally accepted? I believe in Khatam an Nabuwat because I was born in a Sunni family.. I had no say in deciding my birth.

if there is a Sahi Hadth forbidding anything what Ahmedis are doing then it should be quoted and this issue brought to an amicable end. I wont see any issue if they consider Mirza Gulam Ahmed as a saint.

do you know what Alama Iqbal said about the founder of Ahmeidya faith?
something about Aqeeda toheed. he got a lot of scorn over his remarks.


I don't think you should tread into religious debates Irfan Bhai, if you think their reciting of the same kalima as us makes them Muslims like the rest of us you have missed the train on the whole issue. There is a reason why despite all our differences the one thing every sect on this planet could agree on was that the Ahmadis are not from amongst us.

Pakistan is more liberal than Indonesia then. In here, No Ulama dares to say like that. These Ulama can endorse "tolerance value" within Islam rather than saying things like that. If the terrorist is the target, there are so many verses in Quran that can be used to corner them.

Pakistan is not more liberal then Indonesia, a lot of these Mullahs act nice for the camera but are hypocrites. You see the fat dude in the picture? He is known for going to parties at western consulates getting drunk etc while acting all holier than thou the next morning.
Pakistan is more liberal than Indonesia then. In here, No Ulama dares to say like that. These Ulama can endorse "tolerance value" within Islam rather than saying things like that. If the terrorist is the target, there are so many verses in Quran that can be used to corner them.

Some good some bad .. It's a mixed situation .. But terrorists supporting mullah bastards are doing a good job .. Thts how the bastards managed to killed som manny innocent ppl in the name of faith n their version of Islam ..
Pakistan is not more liberal then Indonesia, a lot of these Mullahs act nice for the camera but are hypocrites. You see the fat dude in the picture? He is known for going to parties at western consulates getting drunk etc while acting all holier than thou the next morning.

Are you sure ? We also have Ulamas that have liberal point of view as well, and our Ulamas are not perfect either...I think Islam is really in a bottom level now, war with each other, and very good Ulamas are rare.......but I believe it is the time to bounce back again ;)

Some good some bad .. It's a mixed situation .. But terrorists supporting mullah bastards are doing a good job .. Thts how the bastards managed to killed som manny innocent ppl in the name of faith n their version of Islam ..
Are you sure ? We also have Ulamas that have liberal point of view as well, and our Ulamas are not perfect either...I think Islam is really in a bottom level now, war with each other, and very good Ulamas are rare.......but I believe it is the time to bounce back again ;)

Inshallah, all of this was predicted brother long ago jahil mullahs, incompetent rulers all of it. Soon this era will pass and the golden age will begin again. :D
Inshallah, all of this was predicted brother long ago jahil mullahs, incompetent rulers all of it. Soon this era will pass and the golden age will begin again. :D

Yup, inshaALLAH. I have an optimistic feeling regarding our bounce back time brother .......:super:
In the history of islam nobody call shia kafir and were never stop performing haj only salafi,ahle hadees started doing it in recently .
Ahle Sunnat never said anybody kafir or bidati or musreek or munafiq that is the practise of salafi/deabandi,wahabi,ahle hadees.
thats why we in india dont have this problem.

In pakistan big problem is saudi financing madrass and indoctrinating their belief system and increasing hatred between brother just go back and see you guys never all shia kafir before zia ul haq .
Inshallah, all of this was predicted brother long ago jahil mullahs, incompetent rulers all of it. Soon this era will pass and the golden age will begin again. :D

there are jahil mullahs in the US as well. Utter pretenders like hamza Yusuf, nuh ha mim keller, umar farooq Abdulla, Abdulla hamid ali, suhaib webb, jihad brown, yasir qadi, Yusuf estes etc.

jahil mullahs are everywhere
there are jahil mullahs in the US as well. Utter pretenders like hamza Yusuf, nuh ha mim keller, umar farooq Abdulla, Abdulla hamid ali, suhaib webb, jihad brown, yasir qadi, Yusuf estes etc.

jahil mullahs are everywhere

Haven't heard of half the people you mentioned. Have heard of estes, afaik he does a lot of Dawah work besides that he stays out of the spot light. There is no mullah here in the states which can influence Muslim behavior if anyone tells you otherwise they are lying.
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