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  1. C

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    i dont think the viet people will be satisfied if we are still arguing for this issue. i have to say, sadly, your "evidence" has noting to do to solve this issue. sorry for that~:undecided: ps: not only the ccp will deny to discuss this kind of argument between our two countries, but any kind...
  2. C

    1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

    thanks for ur kindly notice of our history. i am just wondering if the textbook is right about viet-nam was a vassal state of our country? moreover, our old government, the Kuomintang, did what they could after the ww2. if you were one of the deciders of ROC, i cant expect you could do better...
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