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  1. drink_milk

    where is Turkic defence section?

    Hi, There are seven Turkic states in the world, they are Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkish republic of north cyprus, Kazakhsta, Turkemenista, Uzbekistan and Krgyzstan. However, there is just one section here, please change it with Turkic section or open a new one. that would be more apporpriate...
  2. drink_milk

    Making joke has a due time here?

    Hi, i had written a joke, the content of it was to suggest a movie to a member, and the sentence was: i wish Zulkarneyn(the member) would watch the movie of ''zübük''. the movie is a comedy in turkish, here is a link about it: Zübük (1980) - IMDb My all messages that contain the same joke...
  3. drink_milk

    Making joke has a due time here?

    Hi, i had written a joke, the content of it was to suggest a movie to a member, and the sentence was: i wish Zulkarneyn(the member) would watch the movie of ''zübük''. the movie is a comedy in turkish, here is a link about it: Zübük (1980) - IMDb My all messages that contain the...
  4. drink_milk

    Making joke has a due time here?

    Hi, i had written a joke, the content of it was to suggest a movie to a member, and the sentence was: i wish Zulkarneyn(the member) would watch the movie of ''zübük''. the movie is a comedy in turkish, here is a link about it: Zübük (1980) - IMDb My all messages that contain the same joke...
  5. drink_milk

    Syrian Minister: Turkish RF-4 mistaken for Israeli jet

    syria thinks she is just twisting turkey around her little finger; they did deliberately shoot down the plane in order to humiliate turkey;and now they are trying to mollify turkey. i am not angry with them(syrian tyrant) in this case( except for the demise of the pilots who are our precious...
  6. drink_milk

    Greeks clash with police as devlet bahçeli visits Thessaloniki

    i was not talking to you; but if you want a chitchat... Nowadays people in europe are using the same word for multiple words; for example after your economical dra(h)ma people in europe nowadays do not use some adjectives such as corrupted, cheaters, lazy, panhandler, dishonest, racist, thief...
  7. drink_milk

    Greeks clash with police as devlet bahçeli visits Thessaloniki

    ...please give an example. ... the last greek visit to turkey and Fener patriarch was a few days ago from the fm of the current greek government, however, i did not see such things in istanbul, or few years ago another greek fm did visit the same patriarch and also did visit some island (maybe...
  8. drink_milk

    TAI HÜRKUŞ (Basic Trainer / COIN Aircraft)

    ...sometimes it is good thing to be emotional when it is the reflection of proud. btw, i saw a heli, what was that?
  9. drink_milk

    Turkey can fatally respond to syrian regime by going indirect

    i would like to mention about the parasite: according to the longman dictionary: parasite: 1) a plant or animal that lives on or in another plant or animal and gets food from it. some people think turks got rid of them, and now they are in other lands and life forms; when the time comes...
  10. drink_milk

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    here is my two cents. in mavi marmara event, the ship was not an official one, there were many people of different nations...here is a brief from wikipedia that is mullahs' lovely education source on the internet: Reactions to the Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...
  11. drink_milk

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    Sevgili Kulliminati, Belirttiğin konulara özünde ben de katılmaktayım; ancak burası uluslararası bir forum, dost kadar dost olmayan da var, mollaların açtığı konular ve mesajları demek istediğime bir örnek teşkil edebilir; bu yüzden...
  12. drink_milk

    Turkish jet clearly violated Syria's sovereignty – Damascus

    you could be right, and this is also indirectly a criticize to akp government, the turkish government is trying to cover some countries in the region, for example,the government has supported the nuke love of iran with brazil and some other countries against our allies, however, what kind of...
  13. drink_milk

    Turkish jet clearly violated Syria's sovereignty – Damascus

    there are two claims, one of which comes from a thyrant-ruled ''country'' , the other one comes from a democratic country... there are two kinds of people, one of them is smart kind and honest, the other one is idiot one and not honest . Regards.
  14. drink_milk

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    Dear :taz: we have alliance, we have some responsibilty, we are in cooperation in other parts of the world, nothing to make fun of.
  15. drink_milk

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    with an ak-47, or maybe telephaty, which is more likely, if it is 13 miles off the coast. ... ok i am done with you, still following the former path, which shows what motivation and position you got in this thread, take care dear :taz:
  16. drink_milk

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    here is my example to you secure, as you see she starts to mention about irrelevant things, when there is no argument left, i hope you see my point.
  17. drink_milk

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    Dear Secure, you are following the same path with those(mostly persians), which is that when a turk answers them appropriately, they got paralyzed and then start to mention about irrelevant things, like you mentionad about palestina, bahrain etc. of course we(turks) have always answers for...
  18. drink_milk

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    here is the example to my claim. are you convinced now? thank you for this contribution, dear :taz:
  19. drink_milk

    Syrian Airdefences shot down Turkish plane

    whoever ignores the facts and truth with proofs, and instead write according to her agenda, then it becomes a troll. btw, i pay attention to the facts with proof, how that makes me 'backward', at least pick the right adjective.
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