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  1. P


    You are hilarious. Your contact is either fictional or you made that up. F15 cannot be sourced from a third nation. We have the final say or approve the re-sale of our equipment to third party which almost never happens unless the equipment is 60 years old or if the reseller is a NATO country...
  2. P

    We're China's Czechoslovakia, says Philippines

    This just about sums it up. Unfortunately for the Pinoys "right" isn't going to cut it. Right Vs Might: The Philippines’ Strategy for Confronting China | The Diplomat The Pinoys have no conception of international issues probably due to their ignorance and their penchant to live in la la land.
  3. P

    Philippine police accused of playing 'wheel of torture' game Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/world

    99% of Pinoys have a negative opinion of their police. A quick browse of their daily periodicals and you will get a feel that even the media are critical of these corrupt and bumbling idiots. Only zero-wing is supportive because he is from the same cess pool. BTW there is no law in Manila...
  4. P

    Typhoon Haiyan: China gives less aid to Philippines than Ikea

    To zero_brain, anyone who is critical of the Philippines is an automatic Chinese. That is how simplistic his mind is. Constructive critcism is an alien word. He is from a hell hole barrio where gang banging is what they do.
  5. P

    Typhoon Haiyan: China gives less aid to Philippines than Ikea

    Tsk Tsk Tsk. You are making Pinoys look bad. The majority of your people especially those who have suffered most have been thankful for the help regardless of where it came from. Here you are acting like a spoiled brat that you are. Shame on you zero brain for feeling entitled.
  6. P

    Typhoon Haiyan: China gives less aid to Philippines than Ikea

    Zero-brain is an immature and confused child. He ought to be thankful for the help no matter how little or late they may be. It is a reflection of his country's sense of entitlement. I wonder if this child lifted a finger to help those sorry folks from Tacloban.
  7. P

    CADIZ: US advises carriers to comply with China Air Zone

    U.S. asks commercial carriers to notify China of flights in disputed area Sigh...Another example of Obama's confused foreign policy.
  8. P

    China sends warplanes to newly established air defense zone

    HA Ha that is farking hilarious....
  9. P

    China sends warplanes to newly established air defense zone

    It is not hard to understand, but it was the Chinese who declared to the world that should an aircraft enter this zone and not blah blah blah that it will take "emergency defence measures". A couple of B-52 went over and not a whiff of response from China. Did they just pissed their pants when...
  10. P

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    China got bitch slapped by the USAF. That is why you never make those bombastic claims if you can't back it up. A humiliation for the Chinese. Whoever though of coming out with that declaration ought to be fired by the Beijing bosses.
  11. P

    Philippine government, selling goods to the victims of super typhoon.

    Is this a surprise to you folks?. It's the Pinoy govt for pete's sake. A bunch of useless, lying lowlifes. These clowns repackages foreign aid and redistribute them under their names to claim credit. Scums.
  12. P

    Let's Talk About How "Stingy" China Is: About the Donation to the PH

    China has no obligation to help the Philippines. But geeez how freaking dumb could the bosses in Beijing be. Here in China's so called "backyard", they fail tobe magnanimous and show their regional neighbors that they are a real power in the sense that they can rise above pettiness. Instead they...
  13. P

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Yeah yeah yeah sure home slice. I'm sorry but I do not see your country getting out of the middle income trap. You are corrupt to the core. Even with Aquino on the helm your senators and congressmen are robbing you blind. I just read numerous stories of elected senators conspiring with...
  14. P

    Philippines Defence Forum

    That is your response? God help you clown or should I say bay area gangster. Your choice of vocabulary betrays your ghettoness. Your answer is a great illustration of your and your kind's intellectual deficiency. Grow some balls and counter the arguments point by point.
  15. P

    Philippines Defence Forum

    Why don't you Pinoy clowns challenge Fsjal's assertion. Challenge it point by point. Instead you clowns responded by calling him this that. Are you Pinoys so bereft of intellect that you cannot present your counter arguments. How in the fark can you clowns defend your country's image with...
  16. P

    American and Philippines demographic engineering against Moro Muslims

    The refute them with your citation unless you are too lazy or too ignorant to look up facts. But based on your history, I say you are lazy and ignorant.
  17. P

    China's World: Philippines Looks to Revive U.S. Naval Base

    That was funny and spot on. When you are dealing with zero-wing expect non sense as his response. Pinoys are so desperate to have us back there that they are willing to turn a very pristine part of Palawan to a toxic dump for our naval ships jut so that they feel safe from the China man.
  18. P

    Philippines says China asked Aquino to scrap visit

    I read that the fiasco was due to your government's incompetence. Your foreign affairs department was too lazy to tell your president he wasn't invited. Your president boasted to the world he was going to China only to be humiliated the day after. The humiliation was incredible and made worse by...
  19. P

    Philippines says China asked Aquino to scrap visit

    Your response reveal your immaturity, incoherence and shallowness. At least some of the pinoys here make an effort to respond in some form of coherence.
  20. P

    U.S. tells the Philippines to shut up

    Any time Zero_ding cannot answer the question he resorts to cryptic nonsense. He is unable to formulate a response as it is beyond his capacity to do so. At least the other Pinoy members do make an honest attempt to respond unlike dimwit zero_wing. So Zero_ding how can the Philippines claim...
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