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  1. D

    Rising India remains torn between East and West

    when africa will provide you world 3rd largest economy in 2020 then we will talk kiddo:lol: Get some proteins and spare us:lol:
  2. D

    Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

    1)if you post BS then expect smileys from me ,i dont have more option. 2)Israel and indians relations are on the bases of mutual interst not blind.india provide huge market to israeli products. No nation purchases made in israeli products other than military but they can sell here in india(i m...
  3. D

    Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

    1)its your post which brought smileys :lol: 2)we dont need U.S and india have already started to talk with iran about post 2014 and recent dealing with iran and supporting iran against western pressure shows smthing else.we dont need U.S cover for any anti paksitani activity. 3)Iran too want...
  4. D

    Who can attack Persia?

    if iran is attacked,it will be from all fronts U.S have currently. Afganistan,Gulf,Iraq or may be from other paid states of gulf like saudis :lol: but dont worry,You should talk with U.S and every thing will be fine.
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    Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: india dont depend on U.S to spread terror in paksitan if we want to .:P our supplies goes through iran and U.S is not going to leave this region(thnk you paksitanis,you will enjoy more for decade) They will drop 30k troops here at different bases and it has...
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    Infiltration of Pakistan, Iran in Afghan Media

    you still dint get my question.. i said that go talk to afgans to their forums..Those who are online and have internet access can give you reasons. if i m here online,it doesnt means that i dont know about rest of india :lol: They are from different parts of country or even who are living...
  7. D

    Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

    1)prove it from our history since 47-2012 when we did lick western feet?? and i challenge you to see your history.. just a simple question..who brought nato in region?? :P 2)i dont care about iranians or saudis..i just care abt my nation. and one indian or iranian dont reflect stance of my govt...
  8. D

    Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

    we rescued our citizens from libya when war was near and even from greece and will do from saudi too. it is not needed although but iran attack will bring every mess in region so this is my point..understood?
  9. D

    Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

    Honestly saying,you people are on wrong side.If iran is attacked then there will be western rule on oil as well as gas resources. Next number will be of paksitan and you people can be sacrificed at any time.You are putting security of whole region in mess. Iran is a shield b/w asia and western...
  10. D

    Infiltration of Pakistan, Iran in Afghan Media

    Its delusions that 80% A-stan is controlled by taliban.its myth sir.... Talibans mainly lives in mountainous regions and for further information you can talk to afgans on their forums. They people hate pakistanis more than any nation. plz go and join any afgan group on facebook
  11. D

    Iran gas pipeline: Saudi offer

    This pipeline is mess......
  12. D

    Rising India remains torn between East and West

    pakistanis are jealous of india.. 1)They dont get same treatment as we get 2)They cant compete with india now as they used to be good. 3)U.S dont give them same attentions and they are coming in arms of india leaving old frnds for whom they fought a lot of wars :P 4)Even afgans dont respect...
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    Iran demands U.S., Europe hold off attack as long as nuclear talks continue

    every body knows that they are not going for nukes and they are far away from getting nukes.:(
  14. D

    Rising India remains torn between East and West

    pakistnais fought two wars for U.S pakistanis brought NATO to south asia pakistani purchase U.S weapons and has been with U.S since more than 60 years Pakistanis supply arms to nato in afganistan. and call india as white boot lickers :rofl: if you want to see the height of delusions...
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    Rising India remains torn between East and West

    :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: @ OP
  16. D

    Iran demands U.S., Europe hold off attack as long as nuclear talks continue

    i think israel and U.S are not on same boat and U.S is trying to avoid attack. But iran attack will be blunder for world.what will happen to countries who take oil from them?? and gulf will be blocked? why you ppl are taking risk?
  17. D

    Russia is protecting Syria to save Iran

    Russians dock their ships on syrian ports and this is only country where they can dock and syria provides them access. it has nothing related to iran.
  18. D

    Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

    and same china destroys muslims inside their territory:lol: There is sheer hypocrisy and blind hatred inside u:lol:
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    Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

    dont forget that U.S is with israel ;) and they have more ammunition that whole world
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    Iran to UAE : We will crush any act of agression

    There are different ways of attacking.i hope you got my drift ;)
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