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  1. SP!TF!R3

    US Drone Strikes mosque during Fajr prayer

    nobody will stop till they are getting there share from "Foreign Aid"...these politics need some kicks from the public..
  2. SP!TF!R3

    Pakistan's destiny: Ghazwa e Hind?

    where are the armies of other invincible muslim countries???Iraq,Soudi Arabia,Egypt and others????where is the army of "Prince of Persia" and where are the "Immortals" of 300???lol..thats funny..
  3. SP!TF!R3

    US Drone Strikes mosque during Fajr prayer

    i think Pak govt isn't serious about drone strikes...terrorist or not,USA is crossing your boundaries every now and then..how on earth Pakistanis are tolerating this????
  4. SP!TF!R3

    26/11 Mumbai Terror Attacks. The Legal case in Pakistan

    anyway guys...i posted one of the dossier on 26/11...so,please find more dossier and post the links here..though we can't make them admit when even their president admits the fact...right???? Pakistan's president has admitted his country created terrorist groups to help achieve its foreign...
  5. SP!TF!R3

    US lawmakers call Pakistan 'terrorist state', 'schizophrenic ally'

    there is nothing relevant for you guys...i can post dossier on 26/11..but you'll refute it by saying "Evil Bharatis' link"...why would i bother when i already posted 3 links that clearly sated the truth???and if you don't believe in media,then you shouldn't ask about links.. :lol: :lol:
  6. SP!TF!R3

    US lawmakers call Pakistan 'terrorist state', 'schizophrenic ally'

    lol,but they are banned by UN...so,whatever JUD said,it doesn't count..nobody can't post more valid links than me...nice to talking to you buddy.. :lol: thats the problem..i can post dossier on 26/11,but its not "Recognized" by your side..and why should they when they are their "Strategic...
  7. SP!TF!R3

    US lawmakers call Pakistan 'terrorist state', 'schizophrenic ally'

    so..my links are semi-relevant now???and i don't debate without proof...the link that from BBC is clearly stated that fund was provided to proxy LET organisation "Jamat-ud-dawa" by panjab govt...and it is not relevant to you..right????
  8. SP!TF!R3

    US lawmakers call Pakistan 'terrorist state', 'schizophrenic ally'

    i already posted..i don't have time to read 41,300,000 links..and sry for my typing mistake.. anyway...i found one of the stories...i'll post more...there are plenty of links.. :rofl: :rofl: BBC News - Pakistan 'gave funds' to group on UN terror blacklist...
  9. SP!TF!R3

    US lawmakers call Pakistan 'terrorist state', 'schizophrenic ally'

    @janigibaz and Icarus..i've modified my post witha quote from your president..why don't you read that before making comments..its from the wiki..and here is its real link.. Pakistani president Asif Zardari admits creating terrorist groups - Telegraph now don't want to be too brave when...
  10. SP!TF!R3

    US lawmakers call Pakistan 'terrorist state', 'schizophrenic ally'

    should i provide you the link of google and the keyword "Pakistan funding terrorism"????or i just have to post some other links..maybe a wiki link??? " In July 2009, current President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari admitted that the Pakistani government had "created and nurtured" terrorist groups...
  11. SP!TF!R3

    US Senate panel cuts Pakistan aid over conviction

    i wish you just went back few pages and see my response...i already stated that except some minor infos,ISI didn't provide anything..and i wanted some confirmation from USA,not from ISI..my simple question is except ISI,when USA ever said that ISI provided infos on abbottabad house???do you know...
  12. SP!TF!R3

    26/11 Mumbai Terror Attacks. The Legal case in Pakistan

    did cat got their tongue???or thousands of "Innocent Civilian's" death is not enough for them to utter the word??? :rofl: :rofl:
  13. SP!TF!R3

    US lawmakers call Pakistan 'terrorist state', 'schizophrenic ally'

    thats what USA really do..first instigate,then attack.taliban's predecessor was formed and funded by USA.but its them who are fighting with USA now.and thats why USA is in AF..soon,Pakistan will be declared another country of "Evil" and another WOT will be happened.What Pakistan is doing is...
  14. SP!TF!R3

    US Senate panel cuts Pakistan aid over conviction

    yup....that you are "Busted"... :rofl: :rofl: anyway...you and i and other members too knew the fact that its Pakistan's great mistake to shelter and provide training and arms as a state policy..they are killing more pakistani citizen than afghan and nato soldiers.and what pakistan did and is...
  15. SP!TF!R3

    US Senate panel cuts Pakistan aid over conviction

    i kno how to debate...but anyway..i couldn't find a single link where any officials claimed that they got any infos from ISI...only ISI claimed it..and here the truth lies.everybody accepted thet what USA did is wrong.but ISI hided OBL for 10 years and lied in the face on the whole world..thats...
  16. SP!TF!R3

    26/11 Mumbai Terror Attacks. The Legal case in Pakistan

    you already accepted that you don't have any proof that you've claimed earlier..so....your remarks are not going to be counted.. and we got these kind of noobs as a senior member.. :rofl: :rofl: thats because you are the problem.. :rofl:
  17. SP!TF!R3

    US Senate panel cuts Pakistan aid over conviction

    okkk..that link..thaks for pointing out...but thats not a proof..i wanted a proof that quoted by any senior officials... lol..not a single link and you boasted about credible news that ISI provided...its you are trolling without any single proof..just read your previous posts where you've...
  18. SP!TF!R3

    US Senate panel cuts Pakistan aid over conviction

    i don't have time to see a 10 mins video...just point out what you want to prove..
  19. SP!TF!R3

    US Senate panel cuts Pakistan aid over conviction

    which link stated that??????post the link.there are thousands of links out there..i just puted some good links..and where is yous link which claimed that ISI provided crucial info???do you even have any???or just hollow arguments just like another pakistani member????
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