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  1. P

    Stupid Hardliners in Iran give Netanyahu a reason to bash Iran once again!!!!

    Since it seems to be OK for some nobody to call Iranian leaders and some of our people "stupid", I assume that it's OK to respond in the same way. @iranigirl2 - a clowntard is in no position to comment about our people (be ten or thousand) and their leaders. Why don't you tell us about 1995...
  2. P

    ‘Moment of truth is near:’ Israeli Air Force set to attack Iran

    This is an old clip from 2006, but still worth sharing again. Hassan Abbasi warns US government, & talks about Hezbollah & Iran. - YouTube
  3. P

    Iranian rapper sing for people of Homs in Syria

    Title : Iranian rapper sing for people of Homs in Syria. Funny how some unknown individuals get so much attention and coverage from CNN, even searching bia2.com [famous Persian music host] doesn't give you any result except this single song. Fair enough.
  4. P

    Tehran plans to open embassy in Cairo

    Your cheap comment doesn't even require a proper response, wikipedia is more than enough to debate this crap : "[Ayatollah] Khomeini and Iran's Islamic revolutionaries despised Hussein's secularist, Arab nationalist Ba'athist regime in particular as un-Islamic and "a puppet of Satan,"...
  5. P

    Arabs angry for Iran-P5+1 talks, 'The Security Council for Fatwas'

    So, it didn't concern you when US soldiers put their feet on Iraqi soil, killing everyone on their way to Baghdad , it didn't concern you when Bush was dancing with Saudis, but an Iranian general visiting Iraq deeply concerned you? Where were you in Lebanon in 80s, Bosnia in 90s, etc ? - Just...
  6. P


    WoW, What a peice of BS. You do realize that some of Iranians here actually live in this country right? The first clip contains two sound tracks combined and mixed together, the real ones screaming "death to traitors" and "death to Israel" but in some parts you can hear "death to russia", even...
  7. P

    Syria Children's Torture By Security Forces Revealed

    8 years war. You clearly have no idea what you're getting yourself into. You mean what Saddam and his Iraqi army did in Khoramshahr in 1980 ? or those WMDs Saddam launched at civilians (Halaleh and Neykhazar) or Halabja massacre in 1988...? It was an example where an "innocent boy" was...
  8. P

    Syria Children's Torture By Security Forces Revealed

    Edit: Graphic http://assets.rollingstone.com/assets/images/gallery/500x595/93a1f89d75968aabcc96c095bc4f2a73eda158f7.jpg http://assets.rollingstone.com/assets/images/gallery/500x595/2b98f1dd486c509919226b544832a5d50422bd74.jpg...
  9. P

    Clinton to Iran: Show that nuclear arms not sought

    Great point, I think it's obvious that Stern Gang and Irgun Zvai Leumi were following the same agenda as their leaders, It is also worth mentioning that David Ben Gurion who was one of the first and famous Zionist leaders, opposed any kind of deal with Arabs in 40s and put the rest of these...
  10. P

    'Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border'

    "from zionist source" means this is not a reliable source and it's "neccessary" to look out for other resources to verify the article, buttclown. You'd better keep cheering israelis occupation of palestine while we're at it doing the job, you expect Iranians shaking in their pants keeping...
  11. P

    United against Iran

    dare esme jaryane enherafye hojjatieh ro miare shoma dige ta akharesho khodet boro, roo asab mire cherto pertash vali kollan arzeshesho nadare. har chi shoma bishtar Quote konid bishtar jalbe tavajjoh mikone. Az ma goftan, :wave: Ya Ali.
  12. P

    Israeli car bomb: Arrested man says he works for Iranian paper

    Here is what you posted: Either post your resources to back your nonexistent facts or stop crying out for a new thread. It wasn't just a typical war, The purpose of the 2006 war was the complete elimination of Hezbollah and the destruction of a growing resistance force.Israelis completely...
  13. P

    United against Iran

    WOW, You son of Castle Bravo, Agent Orange, McDonald's, murderers of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Haditha, Mahmudiyah killings, You rootless imbecile sitting there with your nation of trash culture of slavery, What was the last time these "murder-minded mullahs" killed as many innocent Iranians as...
  14. P

    Persian Security Council

    The greatest threat would be Iranians fighting each other, a divided nation, people who don't follow the same agenda as a nation, when people forget their history, not knowing your enemy and/or overestimating your enemy, the least would be our enemies threats.
  15. P

    A question for Iranians

    "wiping Israel off the map" is just a propaganda made by media streams that follows their same agenda against Iran, he meant Israel regime will fall like the downfall of soviet Union in the past. The sunni/shia situation is not as bad as you might think that is one of the reasons that Wahhabism...
  16. P

    Israeli car bomb: Arrested man says he works for Iranian paper

    The title says Iran is probably behind the assasination operations against Israeli individuals, to prove this allegation people have accused Iran of sponsoring "terrorist" (correction: a resistance movement) organization. See? I'm challenging the validity of these accusations. I suggest you to...
  17. P

    Israeli car bomb: Arrested man says he works for Iranian paper

    I asked you the questions regarding your accusations of Iran plots. Now instead of such unnecessary suggestions come up with your FACTS please.
  18. P

    Israeli car bomb: Arrested man says he works for Iranian paper

    Not like we give a ****, but did the same thing passed your brain about Israelis and their assassination of Iranian scientists? When was the last time Hezbollah had a strike on Israelis that wasn't in response of Israel's attacks/occupations ? Which terrorist group is supported by their own...
  19. P

    Debunking Anti-Iran Propaganda: The Myth of the "New Holocaust

    The liar who talks too much, will eventually believe his own lies, It seems he gets an orgasm each time someone quotes him. Typical 'sell-outs'.
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