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  1. Ambitious449

    Will Pakistani stars play in IPL 6?

    Less Pakistani less match fixing. As simple as that :cheesy:
  2. Ambitious449

    Team confined to stadium as Indian hotels turn cold

    If we are so bad then why pakistani artists and players are coming here in so much large numbers. Stop coming here and insults will stop automatically. Fair enough.
  3. Ambitious449

    Pakistan plans to take US drone issue to UN

    Whats next after India and US? Afghanistan? Cry babies.
  4. Ambitious449

    Hong Kong Muslims protest anti-Islam film, cartoons

    After Xinjiang and Uyghurs another Muslim extremism is in making in China. They should wake up in time either they will heavily in future.
  5. Ambitious449

    Another Ban : Zero Dark Thirty will not be shown in Pakistan cinemas

    They want to keep away a secret from their people which is already known to whole world. On serious note I feel pity for that nation
  6. Ambitious449

    Dear Indians | We are NOT west Germany

    How can be Pakistan a West Germay? West Germany was developed, reputed, and a nation with big economy. If you want to compare , pls compare yourself with East Germany. There are lots of similarities
  7. Ambitious449

    Indian TV soaps become serial hits across the world

    Hollywood. Mcdonalds and Coke are US's weapon to consolidate their world position. It seems we have bollywood and our daily soaps . We already invaded Pakistan and BD by that weapon :cheesy:
  8. Ambitious449

    Huge win for NDA predicted if polls held now l Modi suitable for PM's post

    Exactly my point. normally fate of elections has decided in slums, and from poor people which is political aware class. Unfortunately people like us are useful only to comment on internet and not for voting. Voting day is always holiday for us. Sad but true
  9. Ambitious449

    Huge win for NDA predicted if polls held now l Modi suitable for PM's post

    Exit polls and surveys were big flop in 2004 and 2009 elections. I mean how can you predict 120 crore peoples verdict by sample survey of 9000 people. Its disgusting.
  10. Ambitious449

    Pakistan offers insurance worth $2 mn to foreign cricketers

    As they say pakistan play cricket like war ; and play war like cricket :rofl:
  11. Ambitious449

    Pakistan offers insurance worth $2 mn to foreign cricketers

    We liked to stuck in history. we had some proud moments. In 1971 93000 soldiers surrendered to our army and we ripped of one nation ;)
  12. Ambitious449

    Pakistan offers insurance worth $2 mn to foreign cricketers

    The real insult was beating you before your PM in world cup knock-out and to rub salt on your wounds we won it for second time. Do you think Pakistan can won the world cup for second time.nayyyyyyyyy:yahoo:
  13. Ambitious449

    Pakistan offers insurance worth $2 mn to foreign cricketers

    We have isolated you in world cricket. And we will keep insulting your players who are dying to play in India :woot:
  14. Ambitious449

    Pakistan offers insurance worth $2 mn to foreign cricketers

    you beat us in 2012. Its 2013. wake up. Only timeless thing here is our ownership of world cricket. We will keep to isolate you and banned your players from IPL where your players are dying to play
  15. Ambitious449

    EU must ask India to act on rights abuses

    our citizens have right to get abused. About China we can not say that:woot:
  16. Ambitious449

    Pakistan offers insurance worth $2 mn to foreign cricketers

    We already did it in 2004 under Gangully's captainship. that too in both formats. between do think Pakistan can rule cricket off the field? You can say yes. In your dreams :woot:
  17. Ambitious449

    Pakistan offers insurance worth $2 mn to foreign cricketers

    We are no. 1 team in the world. We ruled the cricket off-field. We own cricket. Remember how we banned your players from participating in IPL. remember how we isolate you in world cricket. beating you in world cup sf and winning it second time is just icing on the cake :woot:
  18. Ambitious449

    Pakistan offers insurance worth $2 mn to foreign cricketers

    @KRAIT You hit the bulls eye. Shall we bring in 1971 war :woot:
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