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  1. T

    Pakistan Starts Producing Tight Gas

    Sorry, not going to happen. The socioeconomic environment just isn't right for that kind of growth. The last country to go from the level of development that Pakistan is at right now to a fully developed country in 40-50 years was South Korea and they had a lot going for them that Pakistan...
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    Peshawar considers building metro

    The ignorance demonstrated by certain posters(predominantly Karachi based) about Peshawar is astounding to say the least. First, it's not a small city by any means. It has a population of 4 million, several times more than many cities with operational underground mass transit systems. It's built...
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    Mini nuclear plants to power 20,000 homes

    Don't really have any sensitive information anyway. Just took a cursory look at the paperwork a few months back as a favor to a family member.
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    Mini nuclear plants to power 20,000 homes

    What kind of details?
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    Mini nuclear plants to power 20,000 homes

    They've offered it to Pakistan to power some facility the army is building. I recall seeing the tender documents a couple months back(family member involved in contract negotiations).
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    Pakistan’s economy grows by 3.7% in FY12: SBP annual report

    1.57% in 2011(most recent year for which figures from a reputed source are publicly available).
  7. T

    Pakistan GDP growth projected at little over 3pc by IMF

    1 - The 1.8 figure is for the entire 2005-2010 period. The latest(2011) figure is 1.57%. 2 - 1.8%(which is an outdated number anyway, the current GR is 1.57%) and 3% are not even remotely close when talking about population growth. To put it into perspective, the difference between a...
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    Pakistan GDP growth projected at little over 3pc by IMF

    You guess? Based on what? It's 1.57% according to the CIA world factbook and 1.84% for the 2005-2010 period according to the UN.
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    Pakistan's Economy - News and Updates

    Those growth rates are pretty abysmal for a country that has had a three figure per capita GDP for most of its existence(two figure for the first 20 odd years).
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    Pakistan’s first-ever liver transplant centre opens in Shifa Hospital

    Media needs to get its facts straight. Shifa isn't the first hospital in the country with liver transplant facility, Agha Khan in KHI was the first one. Source: My sister's a final year med student at Shifa.
  11. T

    Industrialists join hands to squeeze out CNG sector

    Hope they manage to kill off this cancer for the economy altogether. The CNG sector has done a lot of damage to the economy by diverting precious natural gas from the industrial and power sector and also by depleting a ridiculous amount of the national reserves in a very short span of time.
  12. T

    Pakistan Rupee Falls to a Record on Speculation IMF Loans Needed

    Look up the amount of money they lent, to whom they lent, why they lent it and the net GDP figures for most countries outside of North America and Western/Northern Europe. That will answer all your questions.
  13. T

    Quaid e Azam University got 69th Rank in top Universities of world

    http://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/world-university-rankings/2011/subject-rankings/engineering/mechanical-engineering In the 51-100 bracket for Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering. Don't know where they get the '69' figure from since all the universities in that...
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    Any Possibility Pakistan getting F-35 jets after 2020?

    They did that 20 years before the 35. Its called the F-22.
  15. T

    First-ever Pakistani mango show held in Guangzhou

    I'm usually not in the UK during mango season but over the rest of the year, I haven't been able to find proper Pakistani mangoes anywhere in Cardiff(and trust me, I've looked all over). You just get those ultra ripe, slightly blackish from the inside kind that have absolutely nothing in common...
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    First-ever Pakistani mango show held in Guangzhou

    Depends on where you are. They're fairly cheap(by international standards) in Pakistan - around $3 per kg if I'm not mistaken. In the UK, you can only get them in Harrods in London and they're about 5 pounds per mango(thats $8 for one mango) so the prices vary a lot between different countries...
  17. T

    Suggest ONE law to improve Pakistan

    Pakistan's 1973 constitution in its original form is one of the finest in the world and if we can implement that properly, there's no need to come up with new laws to improve the situation. Proper and complete enforcement is the key.
  18. T

    C-17 makes emergency landing in Pakistan

    Don't know if it was rescuing people from the North but the USA certainly has sent these beasts over. I was passing by ISB(Islamabad airport) a few days back and a USAF C-17 was taking off. The runway at ISB runs parallel to the road and you can see planes taking off from there. PS. The plane...
  19. T

    Pakistan JF17 Thunder 'come with use against any one' rider

    AzadPakistan, your overactive imagination is at work again. We're not getting 300-500 JF-17, just 250 for the time being and as of now, there are no plans to bump that number up.
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    Curbs on Media: New Bill proposed by MPs

    It was long overdue. The media has been getting out of control for a long time now and this should have been implemented earlier. The media has been causing more harm than good lately and it should definitely be required to conform to certain checks and balances.
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