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  1. H

    Musalmano ko marke bara maza aata ha (I love killing Muslims): Babu Bajrangi

    I think it's apparent to any sensible being that the guy is a terrorist and a maniac. And Modi helped him get off so he's no better. But how is this worse than institutionalized support for LeT in Pakistan? There are a ton of Hamid Gul fanboys across this site - the man who wants a 1000...
  2. H

    Mumbai Attacks

    I suppose based on your statement that you really can't believe *anything* said by an Indian court, media outlet or person. Fine, let's go with that. Do you believe there are extremists who train in Pakistan and then come to India to kill innocents? If yes - you have a problem you need to fix...
  3. H

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    Any violence perpetrated by right wing Hindu groups (including RSS) is terrorism just as the anti-Shia violence inside Pakistan by Sunnis is terrorism. The concerned people have been arrested and are in jail. If the court finds them guilty they will be hanged.
  4. H

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    You choose to believe a story told by some random lawyer over the home ministry of Nepal AND the leading newspaper in your country..and you are accusing me of "picking and choosing"? As for freedom of the press in India google for Arundhati Roy, Tehelka or read Op-Ed columns in any leftist...
  5. H

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    How is Kargil even relevant to this discussion? It's sad that you still have to get your jollies from Kargil. Perhaps if you derived more joy from and focused more on the economic development of your country rather than enjoyed some supposed damages on the other side of the border, your country...
  6. H

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    So you agree with your "oldest and an independent" newspaper's investigation which proves that Kasab is from Pakistan and therefore that the subject of this thread is bogus?
  7. H

    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    I suppose you all believe that the major Pakistani daily Dawn is also working closely with the BJP to spread this conspiracy. From the 12th Dec edition of Dawn:
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