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  1. maximus

    Unable to build aircraft, Delhi splurges on planes it can ill afford

    Nice one brother. Shut that Hindu up.
  2. maximus

    The other side of India

    Dalit oppression. Dalits are forced to live desperately.
  3. maximus

    The other side of India

    Well, it's after all part of Indian heritage, but if you insist I'll remove it. In the meantime, we need to have a curb on the number of Indians on this forum. There are too many on this forum. They spew their hate ideology too freely. Shouldn't be allowed.
  4. maximus

    The other side of India

    Dalits are only there to clean the streets and toilets of elite Brahmin Indians.
  5. maximus

    The other side of India

    Dalits are crying for help and their rights. No one to listen.
  6. maximus

    The other side of India

    They don't spare their own! Nothing to reason with.
  7. maximus

    The other side of India

    Women begging for their rights on the streets of India.
  8. maximus

    The other side of India

    Wah re wah! B a a p re b a a p chi chi! Nichi zaat according to Hindu religion.
  9. maximus

    The other side of India

    Hahaha! Even children aren't spared in this **** hole India.
  10. maximus

    The other side of India

    China ke saat compete karna chaahte ho? LOLZ
  11. maximus

    The other side of India

    Indian slums Incredible India!!!! Mumbai's biggest slum!!! As far as the eye can see... Shupar Pawar India! Jai India!
  12. maximus

    The other side of India

    Dalits pick up arms and struggle for their basic rights. Pakistan is blamed.
  13. maximus

    The other side of India

    Good I've initiated a discussion and am glad that it has gone well so far. Let's keep it up and discussion will go on tomorrow. Have a good night everyone.
  14. maximus

    The other side of India

    ^^ You still haven't answered my question. Are you an elite Indian? Your hostile and counter-productive reactions seem to suggest so. I can understand that you feel uneasy when I try to take the side of the poor in India or anywhere else for that matter.
  15. maximus

    The other side of India

    Look at the Indians ganging up LOLZ Wow, we have quite a lot of them on PDF. Goes to show how lenient this forum is towards the Indians.
  16. maximus

    The other side of India

    Give me a break. India is one of the poorest countries on the planet if we take the population into account. Despite so-called prosperity, India has light years of catching up to to do even to be able to feed it's millions of poor. Pakistan is way better off due to it's size and population...
  17. maximus

    The other side of India

    You just want to fool the people by hiding the inequality in India and only exposing the prosperity that only a handful of mostly elite Indians have benefited from. Are you an elite Indian if I may ask?
  18. maximus

    The other side of India

    Why? What does that have to do with this discussion?
  19. maximus

    The other side of India

    Well, in that case I retract from my earlier remark.
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