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  1. T

    RAW Is The Real Terrorist!

    Well Mr Bellicose , it seems u dont get it , firstly a suicide bombing is not like a rape or a bank robbery investigation where u can collect bodily fluids to support ur case, its circumstantial. Most of it is like interrogation so ull have to take the poor guys word for it , especially wen...
  2. T

    RAW Is The Real Terrorist!

    Well thanks for admitting what your goverment refutes regularly and as far as Pakistan is concerned we cansurely deal with our own mess. And for the guy all surprised about muslim on muslim violence , read history pal. As far as i am concerned i know that govt knows quiet well that who is...
  3. T

    Stingers against Supersonic Cruise Missiles

    Ok first of all stingers have a less speed as compared to a cruise msl , secondly manuverability of stinger is in compatible with a terrain hugging cruise msl. Thirdly why spend so much initially on stingers ( which no one is going to sell , especially in the present scenario ) and then spend...
  4. T

    Israeli Army chief in Kashmir

    Definetely something is cooking coz his presence in Kashmir , can not be related merely to the sale of mil hardware. I am sure that India must be providing some Pakistan specific intel to the Israelis , its all just pressure on Pakistan coinciding with American threats.
  5. T

    What a bloody mess!

    So pertinant it is actually a mess.I am sure no body cares about the article 62 coz most of those who are in power may not have ever read the constitution. We as a nation do not understand the meaning of democracy , yet we are given play cards and banners to protest against a breech of...
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    Threat of ISI greater after exit of Musharraf: India

    Its again the ISI " phobia " . Its been a dream of the Indian high ups to defame the agency ever since we were kids , anything that went wrong in India ISI is to blamed, now they have the West convinced to sing the same tune. I think it is an effort to malign ISI as they know that a tit for...
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    U.S-Pakistan Brainstorm on WoT

    The timming of the meeting and the circumstances hint towards certain other important aspects. What i believe it is the inherent fear of the US leadership surrounding the regime change in Pakistan. They clearly understand that after the exit of Gen Mush , kiyani is their strongest bet in the...
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    Talking to the Taliban

    I think that the only solution to this deadlock would be for NATO to start talks with the Afgan Taliban ( Mullah Umar ) , we have to accept the fact that Al Qaeeda and Taliban are seperate entities. As long as peace in Afghanistan is amongst any of the US pri , however Pakistan must continue...
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