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  1. M

    Muslim joining the US military

    as an officer ill be able to lead marines my recurter advised me to first be a regular marine and then become an officer aftera yr or two so that way i can know my marines better
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    Muslim joining the US military

    Hello everyone i wanted to ask all the brothers and sisters here about my struggle. I want to join the USMC (marine corps) and become a force recon. But many muslims in my community are calling me a traitor and telling me i should not go because i will be killing muslims. the way i look at it is...
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    can I join the PAF??

    thnx ^^ yea thats true... but how long is basic training in the air force in pak? in the USA its 6 weeks long. and can i also be a sniper in the airforce? IF i become a SSW? not sure how the MOS stuff works over there.
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    can I join the PAF??

    yup! lol it was my dream since i was a little kid. Besides i feel more ease fighting for a muslim country. my father was not very keen for me joining the US army lol. my goal is to be in the SSW. but of course i gotta first aim for my studies in school.:pakistan::pakistan:
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    can I join the PAF??

    ok thnx for your relpy. one more thing though. As I know. Pakistan has high school up till grade 13. while the USA has up to grade 12. Will i be required to finish school in pakistan? before joining. and the written test.. will you or anybody know how it will be like? for example is it...
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    military training??

    so in a way the SF in pak are more well rounded then most SF elsewhere?
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    can I join the PAF??

    btw im talking about Air force. not any other branch i wish to be a SSW lol
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    can I join the PAF??

    well Im an American living in NY. my father is Pakistani. mother is not. ....I heard becuase of this is I cannot join. Also If im a muslim but not practicing I cant join either. Is any of this true? is it imppossible for me to join? I would like to join someday... but if i cant...well...
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    military training??

    oh I see. so does pakistan ever trained the USA in anything?? or mostly being trained and joint operations.
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    military training??

    I was wondering if the pak army or SF trains any other nation? and I heard that the SF in Pakistan trains the USA in some types of training which im not sure of... can anyone shed some light on this topic?
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    French foriegn legion?

    ye i know that thnx i speak french and i know ill be treated like a "sub human" lots of military professions involve that espcially my expericance in the JORTC junior marien program. anyway...i know...... my uncle from Austria was a legionaire serve in indochina, and algeria and djibuti
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    French foriegn legion?

    sounds good.. but i did not know pakistan excepts former military guys. but ok
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    army and navy... bootcamp?

    ok is it possible to be trained (if you joined a branch of the military) in a different branch. lets say ur in the army can you switch to the navy?? im sure you have to take boot camp all over agian.... i was asking this becuz a frnd of mine, his father was in the usa army and also the navy...
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    French foriegn legion?

    i wanted to join becuz of the challenge but since FFL is an elite group of the french army i wont compare it to our regular army how bout SSG SSGN etc... how will it fair against that?
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    French foriegn legion?

    i yea i understand the resons to join but do u think its tougher than pakistans military? the reason i ask this is because pakistan excepts the finest of people the legion just takes any person with good physical strength and want to live a new life
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    French foriegn legion?

    ..ok i was thinking of joining the french foriegn legion because there "tougher than the rest" but i was also thinking of joining the pak army.... i seen the legions training and its is EXTERMELY TUFF most legionaires say its tuffer then almost any military in the world. how will it fair agiast...
  17. M

    How to join Pakistan Army?

    hey i dont live in pakistan but if i want to join will i have to get up my american nationality? and second can someone plz write down the physcial condtions that get people reject. like what CANT you have for ex: bi polar disorder, blindness, emphazema etc..
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    Pakistan reserves?

    ur not??? i thought you could join if u give up ur citizenship.... o well then ill just join the united states marien core. there awsome as well
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    The Horror's of the Taliban

    MINGORA, Pakistan (Reuters) – Pakistani Taliban insurgents blew up four schools in the northwestern Swat region Monday hours after a cabinet minister vowed that the government would reopen schools in the violence-plagued valley. The scenic Swat Valley was until recently one of Pakistan's...
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    Turkish Maroon Berets Traning

    wow!! sweet video!!!
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