the fight is in yemen before it reaches the subcontinent it will first need to destroy iran to reach the subcontinent and i dont think so it will happen
we dragged israel into this missile thing because they are official father of hindu bhania its better to keep a check on official father of indian bramin hindu slaves
yea good muslim center burned by whom in america ?? definitely christins are behind that attack so for me ISIS , TTP and crusaders all are in the same category and yup christians are terrorists
kid first tell me how old are you oh wait no matter how old or young indians are they still are brainwashed by their RAW paid media you are not of my caliber i only talk to europeans or Pakistani on this forum not brainwashed indian noobs
nope we dont target them our focus is
they are revolting by sitting in Afghanistan and pissing there :D unlike indian army 8 lakh over 2 lakh kashmiris our 1.6 Laakh army is raping Hardcore TTP fighters and making them to run for their life