You lay one finger on our Sri Lankan brothers and you entire overpopulated country will be carpet bombed back to the Stone Age. Indian military is a mediocre military that is more about Indian media hype than actual capability.
Vietnam and Philippines are tougher than India. We have India totally surrounded and its clearly annoying you. Get used to it buddy. Your country is hated by EVERY SINGLE one of your neighbours from Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Nepal and Bhutan. You have no friends in your...
We are in South Asia to protect our friends and allies from aggressors. We are welcome by all our South Asian friends and allies. You rule IOR in only fantasy since we have more power and influence in South Asia than India. You fantasise but we do it in reality.
India have no influence in South...
J20blackdragon is embarrassing gambit and gambit is resorting to personal attacks, which is typical when the dude has run out of ideas he diverts attention. He claims to be some tech guy from the USAF and he still doesn't understand the basics of an aircraft :lol:.
I guess they teach 'American...
Very informative posts by Martian2.
Look at these Indians rattled like a fish out of water :lol:. Their dream of thinking they were close to China has been thoroughly shattered, they are in full denial mode :lol:. China has weapons systems Indians don't even know that such weapons exists. The...
Fire cannot collapse modern buildings. When has a fire collapsed a large building (similar to WTC 7) in America (before WTC 7)?
Buildings on fire don't collapse in its own footprint. No amount of fire can ever collapse a building identical to a controlled demolition.
FAA was told not to do...
The soviets had all the material and financial muscle they needed to defeat the Nazis. Soviet Union is not like Pakistan and India where both your countries' very existence depends on America spoon feeding you.
Soviet Union was a superpower, that's why they went head to head with the United...
It was the Soviet Union that defeated the Nazis you moron. Nazis put everything to defeat the Soviet Union, but they failed. Battle of Stalingrad is the greatest battle in human history. American media propaganda as usual takes credit for something they had only a tiny part in. The...
It's not a conspiracy when it's the truth. The lie told by the regime must be exposed. I asked many more questions in post #70 which you failed to answer. Even you can't defend your regime's lies :lol:. Millions of Americans know 9/11 was an inside job.
Our priority is to keep our friends and allies in South Asia safe from Indian bullying. We want to bring balance to South Asia since all of India's South Asian neighbours want our presence to live in peace. We offer an alternative to Indian thuggery. We never interfere in South Asian countries...
'Indian' ocean is our backyard, we do what we want, when we want. India can keep crying. We have control of Gwadar port in Pakistan, next will be Hambantota port in Sri Lanka, we will get Bangaldesh port and we have access to Mysnmar ports. You can clearly see a string of pearls being...