Hindus have always hated Muslims let it be Secular or Ultra Hindu nationalist and terrorist like Modi and RSS.Do not be fooled by secular Hindus .The division is clear now what Quaid -e -Azam said 70 years ago .
Hindu terrorism has crossed every limit and now attacking women .The police and military is one of them .They are not different from RSS terrorist .Muslims should start a civil war in India and make their own country .
Lollo! Who will return to your gangadesh ???I am also a urdu speaker migrated from India and the conditions of Muslim there is even worst than Dalits .I know because my relatives live there .And Musharraf is patriotic person who banged India multiple times.No one wants to even split on India...
Hilarious !Hindus have nothing to worry in this case because even if they do not have documents to prove ,they will be granted citizenship but if Muslims do not have documents which will happen as most of the Muslim and Hindus will fail to produce ,they will not get citizenship based on this Act...
hilarious !Hindus refugees in India are living in refugee camp while Hindus in Pakistan are living in normal conditions .Why the **** any Hindu from Pakistan would ever want to go to Gangadesh which is already overpopulated and very less employment oppurtunity.
Uncle ! we took 60 lack refugees from Afghanistan ,4 lack from rohingya ,20 lack bengalis living in Pakistan .Where as India took only 40 thousand rohingyas and still randi rona is going on for deportation of Rohingya Muslims .Muslims wants Indian citizenship ???This is the most hilarious thing...
India wants only those religion which are compatible with Hinduism .Bhuddist ,Sikhism ,Janism,Parsis and most importantly Hinduism are welcomed in India because they are somehow considered close to Hinduism .Christians will never ever go for Indian citizenship as Christians are second most...
Hilarious , there was no India before Partition ,It was combination of states ruled by different Hindu and Muslim rulers .Pakistan and India was formed in 1947 .If that was the case, why North eastern states did not merge with India ,Why hyderabad did not want to be part of India ,Why Kashmir...