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  1. spiderkiller

    Syrian - Iraqi Turkmen Support Thread

    i'm sure turkeys gov would totally support them if they were willing to somehow fight iran or if they were pathetic enough to support isis but they are suffering because they have dignity and didn't want to be anyone s puppet. turkmens are victims of terrorist supporters.
  2. spiderkiller

    Christian sentenced by Iranian judge to have his lips burnt with a cigarette for eating during Ramad

    WTF? your talking about iran idiot not nigeria. and your sources i'm sure are totally reliable. :rofl::rofl:
  3. spiderkiller

    Iranian members in defence.pk

    really ?? i'm happy to hear that. afshars are almost everywhere . :partay:
  4. spiderkiller

    Iranian members in defence.pk

    thanx dear @rmi5 for mentioning me here. i guess you needed to search a lot of old topics to remember me :D just kidding. happy to see we have so many iranian members here. :cool:
  5. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    because we are in 21 century and more than that we are iranians. you want a reason more than that ?
  6. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    dude watch ur tongue. have respect for some people s belief
  7. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    merc. khoshal shodam fekr kardam rafty az inja eltemas doa ;)
  8. spiderkiller

    In pictures: Isis destroys Iraq shrines

    the only reason that they got support is the lack of education of arabs in the region.
  9. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    mashaallah man harvaght oomadam inja nesf irani ha ban shode boodan. haman10 kojast ?
  10. spiderkiller

    In pictures: Isis destroys Iraq shrines

    who can call these savages muslim ? they're not even human. just bunch of animals traveled through time from 1400 years ago.
  11. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    salam dadash haman. sharmande emrooz postet ro didam. vallah dars ke na man tipam be dars nemikhore vali project ha sangin shode in akhare termi kheili gir shodam. merc khabar gerefty :enjoy: comparing to what happens in khuzestan every year this was just a breeze :whistle:
  12. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    dude i don't think GOT is even near breaking bad. breaking bad is real masterpiece . it was perfect in every season but GOT totally ruined the 3rd season . i can see the 4th season is becoming better and better but still nothing near breaking bad
  13. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    @haman10 salam dadash. migam shoma etela darid in khabare ke ieki do rooze oomade raje be namaieshe mooshake atomie arabestan doroste ia na? iani arabestan mooshak ba kolahake atomi dare ?
  14. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    خب وضعشون بهتره که بهتره اصلا بدتره یا نه برای من هیچ اهمیتی نداره اونا چیکار میکنن یک عکس تو نت دیدم که ذات یک گروه رو نشون داد کپی پیست کردم کاری ندارم بیمه درمانی میگیرن یا دارن تو اینور اونور چه غلطی میکنن بالای عکس هم عرض کردم نو کامنت :enjoy:
  15. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    no comment
  16. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    do you know the meaning of engaging directly ? it means sending troops. while sending high tech military stuff is not engaging its helping allies with the technology they need.
  17. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    so you think our stuff needs to be tested in a real war ? then you think what are we doing in syria ? pakistan is producing UAVs ? yeah of course every country can create a toy and call it a military production. you can say you are producing UAVs when you used them for 2 years in a guerrilla war...
  18. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    actually there is no military news these days just some political bs.
  19. spiderkiller

    Syrian Children

    who is arming the rebels ? the blame is on him. that's it.
  20. spiderkiller

    Iranian Chill Thread

    (You have insufficient privileges to reply here.) این یعنی چی دقیقا ؟ اینو واسه چی به من تو تایپیک ایرکریر فیک ایران میده ؟ --- گرفتم تایپیک قفل شده :enjoy:
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