daha fazlası kardeşim :D
semitic god dhushara(which gave birth to persian zoroastra,a word hat has not any serious persian etmology except the ridiculous camel-buyer but in semitic it means the very meaningful master of the ground and probably was taken by the Greeks as Zeus)...
Persians steppes hordes moved very late to Iran(8th BC)bringing their very rude old Persian language(much more rude than dutsch or swedish)but of course they were numerically very inferior to thousand of years established semites,sumerians,elamites...
The original folks of iran(elamites who are...
present day persian people origin belong to ancient semitic people but little mixed with aryan invaders that tajik people genetic origin very different from persians but very closely turkic people ..
yes era you need turkic leaders because turks ruled 1000 years your people this is shame for you :) so you deny turk people in iran so that you changed azerbaijani turk people name why you are call azeri ? please show me azeri name 100 years ago in iran ? i know you cant it . pleae answer me...
who fought for iran :D lol they fought for their country sometimes called seljuks sometimes called safavids ... but they have never said they were iranian or they fought for iran . these are your dreams lol .. great persian history need turkic leaders ?? funny
neymiş bu turk mogol geni...
<< lol then ottomans must be holy for greeks :D
İran is geographical name not more why you persians think that iran is holy ? lol
shamlu mean is from damascus that still many turkmens are living in damascus ..
<< ottomans called azerbaijan aganist russians but true real azerbaijan now...
persian safavids :D good joke
you must learn safavids were turk empire ;)
Shāmlu (the most powerful clan during the reign of Shah Ismail I.)
Dulghadir (Arabic: Dhu 'l-Kadar)
all these clans were turkish from anatolia and...
safavids army origin belong to anatolian turks not iranian.. and safavids called themself turks not iranian..
bu arada hiç mi bir allahın kulu yok bu wikipedia daki fars ırkçılıgına bir dur diyecek ..
çok ilginç bir site arada girip savunma sanayi ile ilgili gelişmeleri takip ediyordum :D üyeligim bile yok sonra ip adresim engellenmiş sitede
persian ..mor.n , kangal is turkish dog what do you know about kangal ? kangal is from turkish kangal city in sivas .. AND KANGAL İS 100 % TURKİSH CİTY GO LEARN , DONT BELİEVE İİ*** PKK PROPAGANDA ..LOL AND GO LOOK YOUR VİDEO COMMENTS :D