KGB or many of its policies are no more but all big heads of present FSB are KGB officials VLADIMIR PUTIN is one KGB product
the major internal policing is no more there FSB deals with intelligence but inside russian terrority in matters of state they have a big say
unlike KGB ,FSB Does not...
wild imagination with no truth because many major muslim ethnic groups in russia live in harmony
the outsiders should stop fueling or even worry about what is happening inside russian terrority because 99% of them have no idea and are fed with fabricated stories with 0% of truth ...
FSB report
terrorists trained by men of global terror network
there you go who is behind
KGB is no more but FSB is more than enough for these terrorists to handle anyway lubyanka is the headquarters of ex KGB now FSB does this tingle anything or just mere co-incidence
its a week old news the russian bomber patrols are not liked as a result they often
take long paths in their atlantic patrol routines
its a common practice even during old times nothing to worry but the response was anyway delayed from RAF because the partols seemed to reach Stornoway,
Terrorists will be 'dragged out from the sewers' - Putin
take your pick what will happen because of 2 silly stupid women , people who has ever lived in russia will understand what i am saying ,putin seems to have given the FSB a free say
good for those terrorist supporters let them enjoy...
opinion of a minority of people does not change the reality the handful of people make news because they have no other work i know many chechens who are tried of these terrorists and want to live a peaceful life and is ashamed of these funded thugs activities
please do not support terrorists in...
terrorists and their supporters are killed by armies not civilians
this action is not worth supporting like they did on cnn
shame on CNN ,and THEIR hidden agenda
i took exclusive pictures from the incident posted on my blog 3 of my friends are injured 1 seriously with rest all particle...
this is a welcome change will help improve posting quality of new threads
how about the idea of creating section moderators specific to manage a section many big boards do it helps better management
total ordered su30mki is such
230-2+50+42 = ?... guess
the 230 is whats being built will be upgraded in 2017
50 will be block 3 su30 MKI with upgrades to radar and some other tech
42 built by IRkust plant a totally new plane with total new package 4.5++ gen much advanced than the...