ज़िंदगी और मौत से जूझ रही गर्भवती हिन्दू बहन गरिमा, जिसने सब कुछ बाढ़ में गवा दिया, सिखों की महनत से जान बची । लड़के का नाम युवराज सिंह रखा ।
सारा किस्सा नीचे.....
जम्मू कश्मीर में आए बाढ़ ने किसी धर्म को नहीं बख्शा । सरकारों द्वारा किया भेद-भाव साफ़ नज़र आया । मुसलमान ही नहीं, कई हिन्दू परिवारों ने...
Only wish the baby could have been saved on time. Not too long ago I remember reading a similar report of a mother in Haryana who was going to throw her baby girl in a canal. But just then a man who was also near by had a feeling what she was about to do. He rushed over to her and asked her what...
From what I have heard from Pak Sikhs and Indian Yatris that have gone to Pakistan, the Pakistanis are respectful. These attacks seem to be from TTP types not the average Pakistani
back in 1914, there were no such riots in the Sub continent(India/Pakistan/Bangladesh/Sri Lanka). Probably because the British were tolerant, secular rulers. But once Desis got independence of the sub continent, then all religious violence and intolerance started.
That's the thing. Sometimes it's just one from among one's own ranks that causes the downfall. The Gakhars in 1700s were a powerful force. They were in expansion mode under their energetic leader who unfortunately was murdered by a fellow Gakhar. Pothohar always had a fascinating history. They...
Samandri's posts are very informative about Pashtun people whose history is very much linked with the history of Indo Pak region. Same way Ghoul's knowledge of Punjab tribes in particular the Pothahar region is also very fascinating. Have also learned a lot from Shamir's and SaveGhenda's posts...
What a low life. At least he could have spared the child and pregnant woman. So typical of ignorant Americans. This is exactly how they have been attacking Sikhs in America since 9/11.