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History of Afghans (Articles and Pictures)


Members of a Wazir Khassadar at Miranshah.


Royal air force squadron at Miranshah, waziristan
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Here are exact words of the letter that political agent of south waziristan wrote to his wife, in which incident is mentioned.
"....A Mehsud Jirga was assembled in the residency garden. Nehru spoke in Urdu. The Mahsuds probably didnt understand much. But when he said that those present were all debauched by British robbery, it was too much for old kaka. Mir Badshah's father , who in he coarse way that mahsuds have, said 'Hindu, if the british pay us money. there's a good reason. Our private parts are of extraordinary size as you will find out to your cost before long. 'With that the old boy stumped out. The political agent tried to persuade nehru to end his tour after this but Bacha khan begged him to continue. Things only got worse however as their car was pelted with stones, injuring the two leaders with flying glass.
(Hunt and Harrison 1980:231).
The Pathan Unarmed: Opposition & Memory in the North West Frontier - Mukulika Banerjee - Google Books

Now, its clear to me why FATA seems happy with FCR laws with the name of 'Ilaka e ghair' and don't want a provincial status even after 7 decades of Independence.
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How do Pashtuns feel about Dr Najibullah? is he a respected figure or hated?
A controvertial figure. Pashtun Nationalists consider him a great pashtun, champion of pashtun cause. While Islamists and many liberal ones despise him for his cruelty as KHAD chief , and for his communism.

Now, its clear to me why FATA seems happy with FCR laws with the name of 'Ilaka e ghair' and don't want a provincial status even after 7 decades of Independence.
Or perhaps the option of not paying any tax , free electricity and quota seats are better incentives for them then getting settled.
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@Samandri any info on the Pashtuns that ruled Sailkot?
Dont know about the times of delhi sultanates, but this site is saying that at the downfall of mughal empire sialkot was appropiated by a powerful family of pathans. Name of family is not given. In 1748 sialkot came under durrani rule. Raja ranjit deo of jammu was in the possession of sub-mountaineous tracts of sialkot , who transfered his allegiance from delhi to Abdali. Where as pathans retained the rule over city and its dependencies untill the times of sikh. Sialkot was wrested from pathans by two sardars of bhangi misl, janda singh and ganda singh in 1770s.
District Courts Sialkot
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