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    Another day another GOLD 🥇 for India.

    @Skull and Bones Khopdi bhai, Apart from the known ones, some unknown ones may sneak in with a medal or two Regards
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    IT sector to become third largest exporter for Pak

    https://tribune.com.pk/story/2439491/it-sector-set-to-become-third-largest-exporter KARACHI: Pakistan’s software and IT sector is on the verge of becoming the country’s third-largest export sector, with industry insiders projecting export earnings to reach a substantial $3 billion in the fiscal...
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    A $2 billion hydropower dam in Sikkim, India, was destroyed in 10 minutes by flash flood.

    @etylo The offending dam was built by Chinese subcontractors Regards
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    WB Poverty Update: India is the Biggest Contributor to Increased Global Poverty in 2023

    @ThunderCat You may want to do a "software update" - a term which seems is very popular in your neck of the woods. As per the latest UNDP MDPI report, in % more Indians have access to clean toilets than Pakistanis (and more mobiles as well of course) Regards
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    Did the IAF just shoot itself in the foot??

    @White privilege Relax there will be no war. Whisky and the rest of the Faujeets are pally with Indians. Regards
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    A $2 billion hydropower dam in Sikkim, India, was destroyed in 10 minutes by flash flood.

    @Bilal9 Bilal bhai, Although I am sure these filthy "akata" haramis will go into hiding as soon as Hasina is ousted. We will never allow Hasina Bibi to be ousted. Regards
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    Diabetes: RESISTANT STARCH is a Load of Crap! (Resistant Starch Diet Foolishness)

    Agreed. Better to go low carb altogether Regards
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    As households save less, India's growth story may not have happy ending

    @Bilal9 Avg. price 25 lacs or more for even used cars. Bilal bhai, It is your problem if your govt rips you off And funny part is even with this extortionate taxation, BD's tax/GDP ratio is even lower than Pakilands Regards
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    PDF Being Allowed To Turn Into Pajeet Dangar Farm !!

    @Clutch You are right. Pajeets are a mere nuisance. The real enemy of the awaam are the faujeets. Regards
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    As households save less, India's growth story may not have happy ending

    @Species Their per capita consumption level is now around half that of Bangladesh despite the latter facing an economic crisis itself. We sell 6 times more cars in a year than you sell bikes. Regards
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    External debt nears $100b

    @saif She is already providing good governance in the form of unbridled corruption. Developing countries need a little bit of lubrication. Regards
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    Another day another GOLD 🥇 for India.

    @beijingwalker Didn't see any threads about other countries, Not our fault that posters of other countries are too lazy or unpatriotic Regards
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    Another day another GOLD 🥇 for India.

    @beijingwalker Any comments about the performance of your taller than mountain, deeper than ocean, sweeter than honey friends? Regards
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    External debt nears $100b

    @@blue Ocean Neelsagar Dada, SHW will provide good governance, boost exports and tide over the debt servicing. Regards
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    Another day another GOLD 🥇 for India.

    @Tak_Aman Some of these Bahraini women who beat Indian athletes are neither Bahraini nor women Regards
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    For imran khan and Pakistan we must come out. They going to kill him

    My fear is they may cause brain damage by biochemically poison. Pak Awaam must remain vigilant. Regards
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    External debt nears $100b

    It is not an extraordinary situation given the sustained high oil and commodity prices since late 2021. Even India's external debt is over USD 600 billion. And I will not even go into Pakiland's debt position. SHW and her govt will tide over this too. Regards
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    Army's Towering Achievements in Azad Kashmir

    They seem to saying "Bhaand mein jaye Hindustan, Bhaand mein jaye Pakistan" Is that correct? So what do these guys want? Regards
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    PDF Being Allowed To Turn Into Pajeet Dangar Farm !!

    @FuturePAF but ultimately best to counter them with better arguments. Even better to ignore them.... Regards
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