Resmi tarih derken? İbrahim Müteferrika'dan önce matbaa vardı da resmi tarih mi yazmadı? :cheesy:
Evet, 300 yıl geç geldi bize. O arada adamlar neler yaptılar git James Burke ün connections belgeselini izle.
Greece foolishly buys Rafale fighters, Turkey throws Siper missile and BAMMM!! Game Over Greece. Whole Greece is destroyed.
Stupid Greeks should have bought Siper instead. Turkey smart Greece stupid.
2012... It's like yesterday.
Watching these old videos fills me with anger and disgust for where we have come. It was too pure to become a reality in this corrupt shithole.
No, F4 is a huge plane, much bigger than F-16, that's why it's still kept in service, it can carry much bigger payloads.
Hürjet is an itty bitty trainer thing
Often what he wants for himself gets ahead of Turkey's interests.
We were supposed to have 8 Ada class ships, he cancelled that...
Aaah, this million years old image...
We're getting old man
Funny enough, Greece had all of these back then, and all Turkey had was Nike Hercules, Hawk and stinger missiles.
We were still stronger back then then we are now. Because relative to the entire region, we had the strongest air...
@Trisolaran @Hold the door
Few years ago they were trying to sell the EuroFighter to Turkey, and we weren't buying.
No we want it and they aren't selling :cheesy:
True but again, it's easy to portray him as dictator. Because he is. All power rests on him and he's still thirsty for more power.
20 years ago if someone called Turkey a dictatorship they would be laughed at.
ister dik dur, ister yamuk dur, ister amuda kalk, adamların 300 sene gerisindesin, ne olursa olsun sikilen sen olacaksın.
Yunanistan'dan dayak yiyip Mısır valisinden yardım isteyen sonra Mısır valisinden dayak yiyip avrupadan yardım isteyen, Kıbrıs gibi stratejik bir merkezi İngiliz'e kurşun...
Yes sure the Economy is important but you have to realize why Americans waited 90 years and recognized the Armenian genocide during the presidency of Tayyip Erdoğan.
Because he made Turkey look like a third world dictatorship.
You underestimate the power of propaganda so much I'm disappointed in you.
Russia during Boris Yeltsin was already being seen as a regular joe European country, it was being discussed if Russia should join EU etc.
Yes, if Glasnost and Perestroika continued we could have lived through a...