Lol I come here for entertainment plus I'm always curious about pakistan . some rare occasions there are some members who has useful insight to share.
Of course there will be different opinions India is a diverse country. But practically, as Chinese phones/ tvs are selling the same number...
If indian army really has occupied some heights i have Zero hope that China will even try to get them back.
If it was pakistan army I would expect that but from China ... None.
Its just political stunt. None in my friend circle or any of their circle is doing anything to avoid Chinese products. Its life as usual.
Don't give too much Importance to people on internet yelling . They few and loud slogan makers only. Common man who has some knowledge about China affairs...
Lol sniping is considered very serious escalation, No soldier likes it, chinese or indian. It would only start in case of full blown fire fight. Its not some school boys scuffle.
Such a long bullshit thread. No1 knows whats happening at border right now.
Each govt is making political statements thats all. I guess there's some scuffle going on but it doesn't matter if war breaks out just as taking fingers by china have no consequence in case of war.
But if war doesn't...
Than you are talking to idiots. The biggest factors in fighting would be SU 30 mki than our awacs than helicopter fleets who would aid the Soldiers with anti tank guns etc . And thats our real strength The army men.
Rafael and tejas would also take part but cause of new jets and low numbers...
Its a surprise for those who never seen manali let alone Leh lol.
This road has been under construction for a long time now, manali leh highway was almost completed when I used that road, 4yrs back, This is just click bait headlines.
Sothe article starts with a Secret mission . Just click bait item. As the radar is russian I don't think france or Russia will allow it. As it would make secrets of weapon known to each other.
Man you should broaden whatever you reading on Internet with Some startegic and foreign affair papers by some writers.
Here some insight for you:
1. To secure CPEC China will make sure no war happens with india, doing business and signing treaties is the best way to go. So china didn't do it ...
It depends upon the Commander, or situation of war which decides tanks will go or not. Others can only give there expert opinion. Remember the india/ pak tank battle in which pak tanks got destroyed cause of going into marshy lands and got stuck.
Generals or some times heat of battle makes 1 do...
I have just saw the pics I would say indian govt knew about this.
As if france was selling 2nd hand jets as a brand new, my Local painter would have done a better job.
So i would say what we purchased we got. In few days whole story will come out.
You misquoted me. For a war India has enough weapons, heck even Pakistan has enough weapon. But we could have been in better position if defence policy had less red tape.
All the weapons such 30 , rafaels , guns etc not going against China this year . We will fight with what we got and its...
Its not panic. Indian defense buying policy is fukd up. Thanks to China now army has perfect opening to get things with speed, which otherwise would have taken years to acquire.
All the purchasing you are seeing have been stuck in some file of a politicians office.
Take eg of su29, atgm etc...
Actually Australia wanted to join the exercises for the past 4-5 years. But it was India who was saying no. There were many reasons, among the chief reason was that Australia was not considered reliable when comes to China. As it starts pusssy footing on any china issue.
I didn't even bothered to read after 1st paragraph lol. The truth is India last soldiers and so did china. Numbers are disputed but doesn't matter. We recognised it and china didn't.
And china's this assertion is laugable That it did so to avoid war lol.
You are building bunkers releasing...
These are extra enhancements India asked for which will be incorporated in time once these are tested and Cerrtified. That doesn't mean Rafale can't work.
Take example of engine enhancement, if engine can't work whats the point of delievery ? They can very well, keep the them stored in France...
To do fighting and close combats? 5-10 years to fully evolve strategies and test aircraft limits.
But as all this has been tested by French so i would say we need just practice / training so max 5 years.
And for bvr only fight , 6 months training is enough For a very experienced pilot. As...