Improvement in what??
Improvement in looting more money they can before the ship sinks, these thieves will flee to thier dens abroad.
Can anyone confirm if this is true rumours are circulating the military has no money left and needs urgent loans to pay its salaries.
Yep Pak army is too busy and good in political engineering rather than protecting borders, when you show weak response expect more aggression from rogue Taliban.
PDM and thier stunted growth minions don't know ABC on how Pakistans economy should be, instead they are too busy in cheap tactics, I wonder why defenders of PDM are not talking about any good work they have done to take the country out of crisis.
So you cannot criticise judiciary for not delivering justice staying deaf blind and dumb, but when someone speaks up against the silence of judiciary you get called up, this only happens in banana republics.
Too late, PDM will runaway, they have nothing to lose, since most of them will settle in Dubai or other locations abroad.
The damage to the economy these PDM thieves and Bajwa have caused is beyond repair.
Even if IK comes back with 2/3 rd majority will not be able to save the country from...
Well said, as I said before these pets of Godfather clan never see anything wrong with thier own party or PDMs massive corruption, illegal wealth they have accumulated over the years.
This stunted growth minion has nothing to answer for the achievements of PDM, these pets can't see anything wrong whether they rape or steal by any means.