Look at them ...:rofl: bitCh-nouriShed hindus ...:omghaha:
guys , Check it 0ut ... Indian child forced to feeds on dog's milk - The Reality of India. - Bizarre & Weird Videos
brother , you have stated the truth which is the belief n commitment of each & every Pakistani for PakisTan and PakisTan army ... :pakistan:
ALLaah bLess PakisTan and PakisTan armed ForCes ...
it's so relieving to see that PakisTan army produces L|Ons like you ... :pakistan:
and i hope that one suCh LiOn some day can make its way up to beCome the C.O.a.S. of PakisTan army ... :pakistan:
i know it's a slight off-topic post from me but still i want to appreciate what you had said in some post in another thread that you had shed your blood for PakisTan & its people while fighting in our conquered kargill ... :sniper:
i don't have words to explain my feelings but sir , i salute...
i just do not know where to start & what to say !? :angel:
but there is one thing i know for fact [which was taught & told by my mother who was told so by her mother] that PakisTan army have been the protectors & saviours of this sacred homeland of PakisTan right since PakisTan came into being...
2 words : shear stupidity ... :tsk:
yaani tumhari baat ka matlab yeh hae k : "agar body par shirt nahi hae tou pant bhe utaar do." ... :cuckoo::pissed: