Azerbaijan is an ally of isreal. Iranians are not blind to this fact.
Interestingly since you brought religion into it, I hope the Christian right in America see how you supporting war against Armenians.
Rustom 2 meanwhile is......
Russians were slow to ucav scene but have rolled out some impressive machines lately. India just assembling and disassembling just to keep rustom project alive.
Chinese government should encourage timber plantations. Reforestation is happening in China at expense of other nations. Deforestation has just been offshored.
If clap down on drug smuggling without addressing domestic producers concerns there will shortage of life saving drugs in market.
If products are sold at loss no company will produce.
Good idea.
Standoff shows how much resources have been diverted to ladakh.
Most interesting part is DRDO is leading program. DRDO motto "jack of all trades, master of none".
Spent billions on tunnels and roads. Last time I checked India is a developing nation. Shuppa power jokes, India has dragged down neighbourhood due to inflexible foreign policy.