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  1. M

    Indian Navy News & Discussions

    On the positive side,a recent report framed by a group of folk working on shourya calls for an AShM varriant.Though needs the support of very long range over the horizon radars and satellite support to detect and tracking the ships/combat vessels the design is on the move for a range of over...
  2. M

    How can Pakistan make peace with its neighbours?

    This time by purchasing a Rs 50L boat and sending 20 armed terrorists to go on killing frenzy.The number must be atleast above 500 this time before the 20 gets killed. Peace? :angry::angry::angry:
  3. M

    Indian Navy News & Discussions

    If my memory serves me right, a way back right after scorpene deal went through,IN considered next lot to be capable of submerged for extended periods and extremely stealthy while being capable of land attack and sea surface attack.Then a significant load out of 8-12 AShM`s of the brahmos...
  4. M

    Mumbai Gas leakage - Poor Indian Expertise in Nukes By Zaheerul Hassan

    This is what termed as Obsession at its peak. If a kid slips on the floor in a shopping mall where no "Floor is Wet" sign used,then then go back to standards in the indian nuke industry. I wasnt surprised at this thread. Good going pakistanis with your Indian obsesssssssion.:tup: Another...
  5. M

    The Drums of War? Pentagon Provokes New Crisis With China

    I second this. China still using its vintage tactics to turnaround word opinion. IMHO US did the best to shut the mouths struck between the @$$ of these chinese and NK`s. NK is the one who made the whole situation volatile and now china supporting its stance showing some freaken 1000 year...
  6. M

    Is RAW really Blowing up everything in Pakistan , a Flashback to its Past in Pak.

    from the article you posted: I guess it fair enough to deal a thorn with a thorn.You started it and we are continuing it and will finish it.period Why point your finger at us when the rest of the fingers are pointing at you? Pakistan to India?
  7. M

    Why dont India play China's own game. Give missiles and sophisticated arms to taiwan.

    Why do you want to donate weapons/nukes to Taiwan anyways? Dont you know that many top brass of taiwan licks chinese a$$$? Soon Indias own weapons will be in chinese hands after 5 years. If you want to be philantropic then do the same to SK.Give them some nuclear warheads under the cover...
  8. M

    China urges India to Honor Tibet-related Commitment

    Tibet:A secret joker card under the indian sleeve? Probably yes. You fool around me? I will do the same to you,but the loss I do to you will be more than the loss you put on me. China is playing in the Indian backyard,so will India if it has to. But one thing is certainly clear that China...
  9. M

    Pakistan did not oppose US-India deal, says Zardari

    lol..... its not about double standards,its all about ones proliferation standards. You called this khan a national hero when he stole some blue prints of centrifuges,and now you put him in prision under proliferation acts. Should the world be put at risk from people hailing from pakistan...
  10. M

    Russia wins large contract to modernize Indian Su-30MKI fighters

    Though purely off-topic but, Exactly same reason why MRCA contenders soo desperate about the deal. Its a open secret that the bid will go upto 200+ planes in the final run-up...... MRCA will be a golden goose next in line after MKI deal. The total MRCA contract is valued at ~ $40...
  11. M

    China Regards India as Important Partner, says China PM

    Words should match works. You shouldn`t be saying that I am important to you infront of media, while sending nukes to my enemy through the back door away from media.
  12. M

    US offers top of the shelf weapon systems to India

    Thats called as free media and right to talk. Throwing a stone in the dark was never a loss,but if hits the right target -----> A sucess ,unexpected. When a diplomacy can do the job,why waste the ammo? Maybe you need to understand this by growing up before commenting like a kid?
  13. M

    Which is Your Favourite ( Made in India ) Missile and Why ?

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: Just passing by and got turned by the wind, My fav will the AAD-ER( though the official name is not yet confirmed,it is undergoing design phase) it is a multi-target handling capable system. With a ceiling of over 250km and comes with a modular '0' stage aka booster for...
  14. M

    China's says, Indian development on the Indian Ocean is good for China's security

    But INDIA owns the INDIAN OCEAN(atleast a significant part),where china dont even have a minute ownership.....
  15. M

    US objects to China-Pakistan nuclear deal

    The hard core fact is that India was NOT a nuclear proliferator ,but on the other hand Pakistan IS. When we are witnessing an increase in the number of nuclear states,whom do we blame? Certainly on the proliferators......... Maybe this single line will clear the booze from many minds here...
  16. M

    Indian PM was saved in nick of time from LeT in Kashmir

    :sick: Sorry,I was totally disappointed at your statement.When the same intelligence and other related forces failed to stop a masacre of nearly 160 Indian and foreign people, who the F cares that they got some 70 year old saved from the attack plan? For me,I really dont care.All I care...
  17. M

    Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

    Case closed as a TD after 2 squads in operational use. But the experience gained through Trishul is incredible. The SR-SAM aka Maitri uses most of the technologies alike radars and other C3I developed for Trishul.Only a missile with few technologies is included in JV. Literally it...
  18. M

    sukhoi CEO confirms 200 PAK FA for IAF.

    :what: If a moron is put incharge of pushing the red button,it will be a nightmare every single day for its enemy.Maybe the reason why strategic command was told to pull their sleeves off at any given point of time :what: for a quick retaliation. But all the planes and Hi-fi weaponry were...
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    India to acquire ‘x-band’ radars Can spot a six-inch object from 4,600 km

    No big deal.... All you need is money. Russian Qabala radar can detect and track targets at ranges of 6000km,though its a bistatic radar. :( Any further improvements on the Sword Fish can extend its range further from 1500 km. When any news report says, that India to acquire-then...
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