Sorry I can't seem to muster much antagonism today, so I'll leave this be.
Honestly if you are still around, I'll send you a picture or a postercard on that day.
The math adds up but does the justifications? We had the poor bailing out the rich in America during '08, should we replicate the process on a global scale?
What about moral hazard? we heard alot about "we can't help poor people or country else they'll just make the same mistake again and...
Truthfully, I think I'd pretty depressed if that's where I end up when I'm 55.
(also I've never actually heard anyone brag about buried sprinklers before :what:)
People here keep forgetting this little fact.
India: Economic Development and Social Opportunity, Amartya Sen with Jean Drèze, 1995.
The GLF was a man made political famine but so are India's famine(s).
Reporting from Washington In a grim portrait of a nation in economic turmoil, the government reported that the number of people living in poverty last year surged to 46.2 million the most in at least half a century as 1 million more Americans went without health insurance and household...
My original point was that racism is a shotgun and not a rifle.
The same point I was making here too.
And I'm sure Indians feel they are being unfairly treated by being lumped with Bangladeshis and so on and so on. Let's stop arguing about who deserves racism more yes?
This is a pretty fluffy piece even by daily mail standards. If the baroness wanted to show that families from South Asian countries other than India are failing to follow in the family patterns of other British families, she could have demographic or census data, but all we have is her word that...
Reading the article this is pretty obviously the usual anti-immigrant hit piece by the daily mail, this time it seems they have someone who is ostensibly also an immigrant, but happy to push xenophobia. Worse part is this lady seems to be happy enough to score points for "Indian families" (her...
Again speaking with my personal views, I think the Palestinians are running out of time. What we are seeing now with the "settler" program is pretty the definition of cantonization and slow annexation.
The vast majority of the UN general assembly condemns Israel and support Palestinian...