Chineese Trolls everywhere... Thé s400 settled there 12 days ago the Russian fighter downey day and it was activated, according to putin's plan su24 was violating Turkish airspace and turkish airforces shoot su24 at final Russians was downing 2 Turkish f16s. But they got a surprise KORAL EW...
Rusya Türkiye Azerbaycan karayolunda kullanilan Gürcistan yollarını kesmek için hamle yapacaktir muhakkak, buna kesinlikle izin vermemeliyiz elbet sıra Karabağ a gelecek asıl hesaplaşma o zaman olacak...
Ask Turks to your frandfather if he still alive, we are a lot but a ''covard'' NEVER and EVER.. may be chineese do you like to architec that u build GREAT WALL dude...?
Kale group is also working on a large engine motors (for now cruise missile engine) with PW, maybe i dont know, its depend on up to BAE, Turkey working on it slowly maybe they need help to reduce the time, i wonder EJ230 (if am not wrong) what about it? ready or still develop stage?
Does russia has 80 million soldiers? Cause each Türk born as a soldier. And yes Turkey got nuke otherwise we could make our own nuke program..Turkey has Nato's 2 large army. Russia just wants to quarantee its gas lines( dont want a second line that russia without control in region.) Chineese...
In 1983 South Korean passenger plane Downey by Russia 269 person dead cause of its border Violations.Pls somebody explain why didn't Russian warned them 10 times although its a civilian plane? Which county can do such a terrible thing?
- Ding Dong.
Answer is Russia....
Sake of remember to...
Rusya tarafindan 1983 yılında içinde 269 yolcusuyla birlikte hava sahasını ihlal ettiği gerekçesiyle düşürülen Güney Kore yolcu uçağı. Bu kadar serefsizler işte. ..
Oh pls Hursid don't open all of our cards!... Look at russian fightters pilot's speeking!
_We dont see wehere did they come from and even the aa missile! :D
İf they do it again well shot down again...
Russia bombing everything (not isis) villages civilians then Türkmens killing Pilots, what would you do if someone bombing killing you, your family, children... etc you may give the Pilots roses ha?
Facts of Russian air space violations for 2015:
March 4 2015: 2 Russian bombers violate Irish airspace.
July 9 2015: Russian plane violates Finnish air space
October 3rd and 4th 2015: Two Russian Jets entered Turkish airspace and one of the planes locked its radar onto a Turkish F-16 for...
You and who thinks like you are the biggest IDIOT. Cause ISIS attackina somewhere in the region, and then leaving it to the kurd groups, kurds are swepping the turkmen and arabs from the region this is unaceptable for the Turkey in other word ethnicity changing, now how u think Turkey helps...
You know nothing Jhon Snow :)
Turkey just backing Turkmens to defend themselves against ISIL DAES PKK-YPG ESED
we have same blood-religion with them..
distance is 0 km to us...
We are doing the same that russia did in crimea (helping not invade)
So if you have problem back off...