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  1. Comrade bhartiya

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Recently they have started to get investments , phele punjab sarkar so rahe the . When southern states caught the industrialisation train , Punjab and whole north india slept . Now rest of North india woke up , punjab is still sleeping Agri laws have support over much of india , it's a non...
  2. Comrade bhartiya

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Development work has been tremendous , congres plan karti thi . Bjp did those things . Ye to credit hai bjp ko , they execute things fast . Deep state is there , see our policies . Punjab already lost much influence , plain and simple. I don't consider bollywood influence as any influence , yea...
  3. Comrade bhartiya

    Iranian Chill Thread

    We were observing the conflict back in 2020 it was clear to us that Armenia pm is not doing needful to defend his country. O It's not government, aate rahenge jaate rahenge . What I said about punjab is quite bad because these things have remain constant , slow decline of punjab .Bjp or no...
  4. Comrade bhartiya

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Punjabis, bhai kis khwab me ho ? No they don't , no disrespect to them but they are boastful and quite thick headed . Previously in military they did , now they are nowhere as numerous as people from southern india , Deccan and people from up or bihar as up alone has 24 crore population , punjab...
  5. Comrade bhartiya

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Iam a hindu , they are Zoroastrianism followrs , model minority these guys are . They don't marry much , although the government gives them money to marry to make more babies under jio parsi scheme Their population is finally growing . They own tata godrej jeebhoy wadias and other big business...
  6. Comrade bhartiya

    Indians Show Their Tejas To The PAF Pilots !

    Jf 17 looks like a spring roll and it's made by the Chinese . It's a Chinese aircraft ,you only assemble it. Atleast tejas design is ours.
  7. Comrade bhartiya

    Featured Pay your debt, Iran tells Britain

    Tou kiya hoga , thanks for telling anyway .
  8. Comrade bhartiya

    Pakistan: Rampant inflation piles on the pressure

    Inflation is a state of mind , this is teh mantra I have adopted You should do too.
  9. Comrade bhartiya

    Iranian Chill Thread

    This helped , very much helped . The only proof I have seen is some , footage of irani t 72 being taken to Armenia border . Regarding Armenia government in bed with Azerbaijan , well Armenia probably didn't use it airforce in second karabakh war .
  10. Comrade bhartiya

    Iranian Chill Thread

    When mohsin fakhrezadeh was murdered I felt very hurt . It reminded me our scientist , homi jahangir bhaba , a parsi. Who died in plane crash on alps , was murdered by the CIA .
  11. Comrade bhartiya

    Current theories on the possible alternate forms of life out there in the universe

    K Kya ? Iam a hindu , yet I don't look in mirror at night after a baba ji told me not to . Kyuki jinn ate hain samne se You don't believe in supernatural ?
  12. Comrade bhartiya

    Making the case for a global ban on privately-owned personal transport cars and two-wheelers

    Jamahir ji, it's an elon musk level idea . I don't think it's feasible ,
  13. Comrade bhartiya

    Iranian Chill Thread

    What people don't get here is that , pakistani bomb was called islamic bomb , I myself have no opinion about it . But that is it , when india made the bomb , they said it was a hindu bomb . Americans have Christian bomb .thats how it goes . Amrika could not stop india to develope the bomb . We...
  14. Comrade bhartiya

    Landmark Bills on Voting passed in Pakistan NA today

    Well then , consider them as residents of the region where there parents or grandparents last lived . Kyuki wo banda jab pakistan aayega to apne pushtaini ghar hi to jayega na .This exercise will require some serious effort though . India launched something called OCI card , atleast it tells how...
  15. Comrade bhartiya

    Featured Pay your debt, Iran tells Britain

    I know that , Tahts why I don't like them No religion generally says , that one should steal , Talmud is nothing close to god but a manual on how to built a materialistic rich life . The Israelis think we hindus are fools I just want that india starts oil purchase from iran . Rest assured...
  16. Comrade bhartiya

    Landmark Bills on Voting passed in Pakistan NA today

    Fixed seats kis basis pe dengey aap ? Just saying . Jo pakistan me rehta nai , uske liye fixed seats ? Isse better , let the overseas people vote in every constituency .
  17. Comrade bhartiya

    Armenia announces ceasefire after Azerbaijan border clashes

    Sirji , You really have no idea about western history , do you ? Western countries helping each other is a modern phenomena , after ww1 to be honest . Before that , they were at each other's throats. I can tell you about many wars between european countries , but I remember 1 war only between...
  18. Comrade bhartiya

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I don't know about Iranian nukes , but saudi has them . I read somewhere that saudi funded pakistani nuke project ? If yes than , saudi has the bomb. Regardless of what Americans tell Saudis to do.
  19. Comrade bhartiya

    Weaponisation of Hindu festivals fueling culture of violence in India

    Nobody cares whether bhajipao wins or loses , rss is necessary though I once lived in a small town in bihar , there some muslims threw eggs and meat on a temple , situation was volatile with muslims with swords etc , who met them in response ? Bihar police , no bihar armed police no . It was...
  20. Comrade bhartiya

    Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

    R1a dna is not common in subcontinent History is a narrative , this very same forum said 11 century is very recent , go back further You can estimate ? We too can estimate many things about , which you won't like Megasthanes was a drunakrd then , Arabs were fools . Only Pakistanis are...
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